
Prominent Italian Prelate Joins Archbishop Viganò

“I would like to convey to you my adherence to your message” which has “grasped the living heart of our ecclesial experience,” retired Ferrara-Comacchio Archbishop Luigi Negri wrote on June 16 to Archbishop Viganó (MarcoTosatti.com, June 30).

Negri adds that “we cling to you” and “we would like to be able to accompany you as the last disciples on the path of truth, beauty and goodness.”

A day later, Viganò replied that the present times “bring us back to the basic things of life, to the simplicity of Good and the horror of Evil, to the need to choose the side.” He comments that some consider such an account as a trivialisation as if the Gospel were incapable of answering today’s questions and the Divine Word needed to be updated by them to make it more seductive to the world.

As an example, Viganò mentions bishops who “almost obsessively” worry about “inclusivity,” “green theology,” “new world order” and a “common house for the Abrahamitic religions,” while their priests and faithful feel abandoned.


Let's hope it just the beginning of many more prelates joining the good fight for Christ and His Church
Join in the streets and form a million man march you cowards...let’s die hand and hand...
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