
Pontifical Academy For DEATH Appoints More Shocking Members

Francis appointed four new members to Scandal Archbishop Paglia's Pontifical Academy for Life on February 12: • Sister Margarita Bofarull, a medical doctor and (im)moral theology in Barcelona, Spain. …More
Francis appointed four new members to Scandal Archbishop Paglia's Pontifical Academy for Life on February 12:
• Sister Margarita Bofarull, a medical doctor and (im)moral theology in Barcelona, Spain.
• Father Paolo Benanti, an (im)moral theologian at the Jesuits’ Gregorian University, Rome.
• Gualtiero Walter Ricciardi, a professor of Public Health at the Catholic University in Milan, Italy, and ministerial advisor
• Maria Chiara Carrozza, a professor of Industrial Engineering at the Biorobotics Institute in Pisa, Italy, and neo-Communist politician.
As the Italian WHO representative, Ricciardi asked already in March 2020 for strict bans of Masses throughout Italy. He pushes for mandatory vaccines, saying that a vaccine would be the only way out of the Covid-19 regime.
Sister Bofarull has been an enemy of the Spanish pro-lifers for twenty years. She was the president of the Instituto Borga de Bioética founded by a Jesuit, her mentor. The institute propagates abortion and contraception,…More
What Francis did to this Pontifical Academy for Life reminds me of the U.S. when a new president is elected. If he was not of the same mind as the prior president, he quickly gets to work destroying and reversing whatever he can get his hands on to wipe out any possibility of an initiative going forward. It's a terrible scandal what Francis has done. What remains is only a dead shell of what JPII …More
What Francis did to this Pontifical Academy for Life reminds me of the U.S. when a new president is elected. If he was not of the same mind as the prior president, he quickly gets to work destroying and reversing whatever he can get his hands on to wipe out any possibility of an initiative going forward. It's a terrible scandal what Francis has done. What remains is only a dead shell of what JPII wanted. Shameful, truly.
Our Lady of Good Success of The Purification Pray for us. Help us please.
Glory be To The Holy Trinity.
Hail Holy Queen.More
Our Lady of Good Success of The Purification Pray for us. Help us please.
Glory be To The Holy Trinity.

Hail Holy Queen.