
Alea iacta est: Modification Of Summorum Pontificum On Friday?

A “highly reliable source” told Rorate-Caeli.Blogspot.com that Francis’ Motu Proprio against Summorum Pontificum is signed and could be promulgated on Friday.

LeFigaro.fr wrote on July 9 (below) that the final version of Francis' document modifying Summorum Pontificum has been approved and is awaiting publication.

Picture: © Joseph Shaw, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsZuybfysfsq

beth alice arrow
A Rosary Crusade is needed !!!! For FSSP and ICRSS.
Obviously he wants to go back to hospital!
Friday is soon. We will see. Part of me is sceptical as one claimed revision would see the FSSP and ICRSS forced to say the New Order. This would be radical stuff, attacking the legacy of both JP2 and Benedict XVI. It may well be a form of words giving cover to those bishops who reject SP and leaving the rest alone. We will see.
Down with the masked parody of the Holy Mass.
The pope does not have the authority to modify the liturgy or enforce restrictions on priest who want to offer the TLM. The Roman Cannon essentially was handed down by the Apostles, and sacred tradition. It is not open to any revision as most modernists think. The liturgy was codified by Pope St Pius V during the Council of Trent in response to Luther's heresy. The reason Bergoglio is taking action …More
The pope does not have the authority to modify the liturgy or enforce restrictions on priest who want to offer the TLM. The Roman Cannon essentially was handed down by the Apostles, and sacred tradition. It is not open to any revision as most modernists think. The liturgy was codified by Pope St Pius V during the Council of Trent in response to Luther's heresy. The reason Bergoglio is taking action against the 'extraordinary form" is because the new religion of VII has failed, and our TLM thrives.
And also, maybe, the plan for the one world religion can not tolerate the Traditional Latin Mass.
As Cardinal Sarah said, the liturgical and traditional Catholic spirituality reforms of the Latin Gregorian Mass began by Benedict XVI are irreversible despite the opposition by the Pope and some bishops and priests.
Also Rorate, "Perhaps prayers from the Faithful around the world – even at this late stage – to Our Lady of Mt Carmel, will avert a disaster."
Thanks, Eva. Good idea. We can never have enough prayer! Even Jesus and Mary prayed, often!
At least no conclave this week, so that's good.