
ALL Roman Rite Priests Will Be Forced To Preside New Rite Eucharists

Francis plans to force priests who belong to Old Rite communities, to preside the New Rite, Taylor Marshall has learned (July 1).

An upcoming Francis document will keep Benedict's Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum in place for appearance only while requiring from ALL Old Rite priests to go bi-ritual.

According to Marshall, “any priest, any parish, any institute and any society that retains being a Traditional Latin Mass only group will no longer be tolerated.”

The measure will have a huge impact on the Fraternity of Saint Peter (FSSP), the Institute of Christ the King (ICKSP) and others. These priests don't even know how to preside a Eucharist.

Marshall's information matches with the expulsion of the Society of Saint Peter from Dijon with the excuse that these priests do not co-preside the New Rite. Dijon Archbishop Minnerath explicitly said that there will be a new Motu Proprio. He obviously knows its content as he is a member of the Congregation for the Doctrine fo the Faith.


Uh-Huh. Right. ...and should this prediction fail to materialize hopefully Dr. Marshall's critics never let him forget it.
John A Cassani
It is time for them to resist. Let’s pray for them. When the FSSP vets potential vocations, one of their criteria is that a man have no desire to ever use the new rites. This would be a horrible “bait and switch.” It will throw the Ecclesia Dei communities into crisis.
P. O'B
Heck, just say the "New" Mass in Latin, but ad lib a few parts, like the Prayers at the Foot of the Altar, the nine-part Kyrie, the old Offertory Prayers, the three-fold Domine, Non Sum Dignus. Use the First Eucharistic Prayer and face away from the people. All that ad-libbing ought to make any liberal bishop just thrilled!
atreverse pensar
The defeat took place in 1970, or at least it began, but those who warned against it were ridiculed.
Lisi Sterndorfer
Make no mistake, this was the purpose of this "memorandum" and "questionnaire". It was a signal that Rome would no longer enforce either canon law or Summorum Pontificum, and bishops were free to do as they pleased.
For 11 years I’ve been told FSSP priests NEVER say Novus Ordo and NEVER concelebrate the Novus Ordo Mass.
Jeffrey Ade
Yes same here, but they are under novus ordo bishops and part of the conciliar church! Weird how liar is in the word concliar, seems appropriate!
But the Institute of Christ the King pastor in Detroit did concelebrate the NO at the Cathedral a year ago for Holy Thursday.