
Cardinal Visits Medjugorje With the Blessing of Pope Francis

Albanian Cardinal Ernest Simoni attended the 28th International Youth Festival in Medjugorje with the blessing of Pope Francis, reports Večernji List on 6 August. The paper believes that "we are just …More
Albanian Cardinal Ernest Simoni attended the 28th International Youth Festival in Medjugorje with the blessing of Pope Francis, reports Večernji List on 6 August. The paper believes that "we are just one small step away from Pope Francis' final decision on the pontifical status of Medjugorje."
Picture: Medjugorje, © Adam Julian, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsPsxytjrvba
Our Lady of Fatima: You at least console Me for the blasphemies committed against My Immaculate Heart (Protestantism, Islam, et al)
The Gospa: Go disobey your Bishop, and impregnate nuns.
Dear Dr. Stuart, on the contrary, my priesthood is consecrated to Mary and so I love to promote her messages, especially those given at Medjugorje. And I am glad that I can support as a priest 'the little ones' in the Church who often receive so little support from other priests (and bishops, and cardinals...). Everyone who rejects Medjugorje is free to do so, but I believe they reject a great gift …More
Dear Dr. Stuart, on the contrary, my priesthood is consecrated to Mary and so I love to promote her messages, especially those given at Medjugorje. And I am glad that I can support as a priest 'the little ones' in the Church who often receive so little support from other priests (and bishops, and cardinals...). Everyone who rejects Medjugorje is free to do so, but I believe they reject a great gift from God. And my conviction does not come from 'websites promoting Megaforgerie' but from personal knowledge of the history of Medjugorje, personal knowledge of the seers, personal meetings with father Jozo, fr. Slavko and the other Franciscans and 25 years of experience in visiting Medjugorje. Everything that I have experienced in Medjugorje is a confirmation of my Catholic faith (including the experiences of the evil one, who is certainly also at work in Medjugorje, but that is inevitable). So let us respect each other. As I said before, in the end God will have the final word. To pray, to fast, to receive and live the sacraments and to live the Word of God is the best we can do. It is also what the Gospa calls us to do... May God bless you.
Dear Kevin, maybe I have researched more than you have. Who will tell? But you are also free to believe whatever you choose to believe. In the end God will have the final word, so let us pray for one another.
Joseph a' Christian
Bergoglio destroys monasteries that celebrate the Latin Mass and banishes faithful bishops. Yet he promotes homosexuals and priests who falsely state that hell does not exist, and now this money making scheme at Medjugorgie. He also regularly instructs against the teachings of our Holy Lord Jesus.
Bergoglio is an evil bastard, one with satan, an enemy of our still great, yet remnant Church.
Dear All,
pls read this summary on Medjugorje before throwing stones to anyone, who opposite to you, accepts or does not accept Medjugorje.
"Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love" (Ephesians, 4,2)
Dear All,
pls read this summary on Medjugorje before throwing stones to anyone, who opposite to you, accepts or does not accept Medjugorje.

"Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love" (Ephesians, 4,2)

@petrus100452 please read: catholicism.org/ad-rem-no-293.html
We know from Scripture that the devil uses Scripture itself to deceive, as well as using the form of a white angel. Having used both of those, there isn't much keeping him from using the form of his possibly most hated (his point of view) enemy :Our Lady. In fact there are accounts after the apparitions of Lourdes where people other than …More
@petrus100452 please read: catholicism.org/ad-rem-no-293.html
We know from Scripture that the devil uses Scripture itself to deceive, as well as using the form of a white angel. Having used both of those, there isn't much keeping him from using the form of his possibly most hated (his point of view) enemy :Our Lady. In fact there are accounts after the apparitions of Lourdes where people other than Bernadette had witnessed diabolical apparitions.
Unless you believe that Our Immaculate Lady could speak heresy, there is no way that Our Lady is involved in Madjegore.
Dear mcccallansteve, I feel sorry for you that you see Medjugorje as a 'demonic deception'. To me Medjugorje is beyond any doubt. Future will tell! God bless.
Dear Petrus,
I once was a huge devotee of Medjugorje but the grace of God opened my eyes and now I see it as demonic deception. You have heard many good confessions and that is good but satan will gladly let some profit if he can deceive the masses. Do your research and stop relying on feelings.
Dear Kevin, you said that Medjugorje won't disappear (although you do not believe it is from God) if disobedient priests like me keep leading the laity astray... So logically you think I am stronger than God. But I can assure you that I don't have to lead the laity anywhere. Many pilgrims who go to Medjugorje experience the presence of Heaven there themselves. So I don't have to convince anyone. …More
Dear Kevin, you said that Medjugorje won't disappear (although you do not believe it is from God) if disobedient priests like me keep leading the laity astray... So logically you think I am stronger than God. But I can assure you that I don't have to lead the laity anywhere. Many pilgrims who go to Medjugorje experience the presence of Heaven there themselves. So I don't have to convince anyone. And who do not believe: everyone is free to believe whatever they want so I do not feel the need to convince anyone. I would only wish that as many people as possible would find the safe refuge the Gospa offers to mankind: her Immaculate and Maternal Heart. Just as She did in Fatima.
And Dr. Stuart, with regard to Lourdes: I will not go into detail, but if you would know the history of Lourdes well, than you would know that in the time of Bernadette there were also false seers who claimed to see Our Lady. Everywhere Our Lady appears, the devil is also present to destroy Her work.
Kevin, do you think I am stronger than God? That is too much credit... But your comment makes me wonder what God must do to convince you of the authenticity of His works. If the miracles that happened there, and are still happening, not convince you, what will? Let us keep one another in our prayers!
3 more comments from petrus100452
Dr. Stuart: Finally: if it would have happened in Peckham, why did it not? (Obvious, because Mary did not appear there).
Dear Dr. Stuart,
I know the story of fr. Vlasic (which is more complicated than a website can tell). But why would you focus on something wrong (which happens at every apparition site, even at Lourdes) and neglict the many good things I have mentioned in my previous comment? I do love Fatima and Lourdes and the many apparition sites of Our Lady. But they would never have received a recognition from …More
Dear Dr. Stuart,

I know the story of fr. Vlasic (which is more complicated than a website can tell). But why would you focus on something wrong (which happens at every apparition site, even at Lourdes) and neglict the many good things I have mentioned in my previous comment? I do love Fatima and Lourdes and the many apparition sites of Our Lady. But they would never have received a recognition from the Church if not first the faithful went there and experienced the presence of Mary. It is the same with Medjugorje, although the apparitions of Mary in Medjugorje are more under the mark of the end times since time is progressing. That is why Satan is so furious; he knows that he will be defeated by the Queen of Peace (who is the same as the Queen of the Rosary). And his time is short, thanks be to God.
P.S.: I think our comments crossed.
Dr. Stuart Reiss, Kevin, mmeharriet: I think my 'bold' statement is true, so there is hope for the Church. And I go to confession every two weeks (Mary advices once a month in Medjugorje). Pope Francis has sent Cardinal Ernest Simoni to the Youth Festival, so why should I not be allowed to go there and to confirm the people in their faith? And, mmeharriet, what happens in Medjugorje? Thousands of …More
Dr. Stuart Reiss, Kevin, mmeharriet: I think my 'bold' statement is true, so there is hope for the Church. And I go to confession every two weeks (Mary advices once a month in Medjugorje). Pope Francis has sent Cardinal Ernest Simoni to the Youth Festival, so why should I not be allowed to go there and to confirm the people in their faith? And, mmeharriet, what happens in Medjugorje? Thousands of people amend their lifes. Thousands of prayergroups, inspired by Medjugorje, are established all over the world. Many vocations to the priesthood and religious life are coming from Medjugorje. Several new religious congregations, insprired by Medjugorje, have been founded. Many priests have recovered their priestly vocation. Many works of charity, inspired by Medjugorje (Mary's Meal, Community of Cenacolo, Mothers' Village, etc.) have been established. At the Youth Festival this year there were more than 50.000 people who experienced the joy of faith and more than 500 priests who concelebrated every day in Holy Mass. How can you say that nothing happens? And, Dr. Stuart, I did not take the authenticity of Medjugorje for granted. I have been there more than 50 times and denying the authenticity would be the same as denying that grass is green and the sky is blue. Love is authentic and I have experienced a lot of love for Jesus, Mary, God the Father, the Holy Spirit and the Church in Medjugorje. But Medjugorje will prove itself. The secrets will be revealed, so why wasting your time by combatting something that cannot be defeated? If it is from God, nothing or no one can destroy it. If it does not come from God, it will disappear by itself. God bless you.
Petrus 100452: There is no message to Medjugorje. Our Lady came to Lourdes, LaSalette, Akita, and Fatima with direct and brief messages of penance, prayer (the rosary), and telling man to amend his ways. What happens at M? Nothing. and the so-called apparitions have been going on daily for years and the seers relate mundane messages. There is even a video where one of the "visionaries" is distracted …More
Petrus 100452: There is no message to Medjugorje. Our Lady came to Lourdes, LaSalette, Akita, and Fatima with direct and brief messages of penance, prayer (the rosary), and telling man to amend his ways. What happens at M? Nothing. and the so-called apparitions have been going on daily for years and the seers relate mundane messages. There is even a video where one of the "visionaries" is distracted during a vision - clear showing there is no ecstasy. The people come because they hope and this inspires them. These people should be going to approved sites like Fatima, Lourdes, etc. The seers are the money makers and own the gift shops, etc. There is also infighting between the Franciscians and the diocese because they all want the money. Stay away from Madjugorje.
Medjugorje is the hope of the Church and of the entire world. Saint John Paul II rightly said that Medjugorje is the continuation of Fatima. As a priest I have heard hundreds of confessions in Medjugorje and it is undeniable that the Holy Spirit is strongly at work in Medjugorje in the hearts of the people. Would He do that if the apparitions were false or even demonic? Nonsense! And the Franciscans …More
Medjugorje is the hope of the Church and of the entire world. Saint John Paul II rightly said that Medjugorje is the continuation of Fatima. As a priest I have heard hundreds of confessions in Medjugorje and it is undeniable that the Holy Spirit is strongly at work in Medjugorje in the hearts of the people. Would He do that if the apparitions were false or even demonic? Nonsense! And the Franciscans, as well as the faithful, remain obedient to the Church, in spite of many injustices and iniquities from the part of the bishop. Medjugorje is a work of God through Mary and the greatest fear of Satan.
Maccabean Uprising
Yes, Medjugorje is surely a false apparition, either it's a lie of the people, or it's a demonic apparition. Either way, there is heresy in the messages. Stay away from Medjugorje. I was there years ago, and i did see signs and wonders. However, that doesn't mean it is from God.
Medjugorje: Satanic deception- phony -fraud - dangerous to the soul