
Irish Church Is „Threatened In Her Very Existence“

The income of the Irish Church is and will be „in free-fall“ due to the сoronavirus hysteria, this threatens the Irish Church in her very existence, Father Brendan Hoban, the co-founder of the anti-Catholic Association of Catholic Priests said (IrishTimes.com, September 6).

In Dublin Archdiocese, income from collections fell by around 80% according to a spokeswoman.

Since the reopening of Churches last June there has been a modest improvement in collections, but the financial challenge remains "very significant."

Donations dropped by around 75% in Dublin between March and June compared with the same period a year before.

Picture: © Mazur, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsZzvtjhyfmv

The fear now is that, while religious practice had declined significantly over recent years, the pandemic may be what sends that decline spiralling out of control...
As St. Patrick predicted, a tiny flame will be left in Ireland and from that a roaring fire will result. Count on it. One thing I know, it will not come from the apostate bishops there
And how many people who do not come back?