
“Francis Is A Tough, Ruthless, Vindictive Man” With “Little Catholic Content”

Francis is extremely controversial, and what he says “has very little Catholic content," Marco Tosatti told RadioLombardia.it (September 2).

He describes Francis as a "very media-savvy" and "a very nice and likeable pope, above all in dealing with journalists and mass media.”

Tosatti stresses that in the last decades John Paul II's and Benedict XVI's Church was [more or less] a counterpart to the pro-abortion, anti-family culture driven by mass media,

“With Bergoglio this counter-cultural discourse ceased," therefore Bergoglio is very popular with people who are neither Christian nor Catholic.

Francis is favouring the things championed by the world, like immigrants and ecology, Tosatti observes. Otherwise he describes him as “a tough, ruthless, vindictive man.”

Can Ultraviolet and JMY45 PLEASE take their argument(s) off this website?
Yes. Which is why your arguing with Ultraviolet is even more inappropriate.
@pmfji If you have a problem with seeing "antipope" arguments repeated every day all over GTV, please contact GTV's administration and complain. You can reach them here and by e-mail at office@gloria.tv Before you do, please explain to me why any Catholic should let a constantly repeated falsehood about the Catholic Church go unchallenged.
It isn't the 'anti-pope' stuff, it is the constant BICKERING between the two of you. If it were a civilised discussion, that's one thing, but when sarcasm and insults are being used constantly it is not particularly edifying - cant the two of you show a bit of Catholic charity and forbearance?
Christ says........
Luke 6:26
"Woe to you when all men speak well of you, for their fathers treated the false prophets in the same way!"
If we are Christ's the world will not like us.
John 15:19
If ye were OF the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are NOT of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.More
Christ says........

Luke 6:26
"Woe to you when all men speak well of you, for their fathers treated the false prophets in the same way!"

If we are Christ's the world will not like us.

John 15:19
If ye were OF the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are NOT of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.
@JMY45 Unless you stop endlessly trying to force an "antipope" propaganda narrative and show some faith in God's long-term plan for His Church, none of your claims will have any credibility.
"If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will even come to believe it yourself." -Joseph Goebbels
...except I'm not calling you a Nazi @JMY45 . I'm calling you "a propaganda expert who uses lies and repetition to subvert the laws of the Roman Catholic Church." Your tactics are identical TO a certain (in)famous Nazi and the "strategies" he set down nearly a century ago are literally line-for-line what you're doing.
"Thanks for displaying not only your moral, but intellectual disablities."
You …More
...except I'm not calling you a Nazi @JMY45 . I'm calling you "a propaganda expert who uses lies and repetition to subvert the laws of the Roman Catholic Church." Your tactics are identical TO a certain (in)famous Nazi and the "strategies" he set down nearly a century ago are literally line-for-line what you're doing.

"Thanks for displaying not only your moral, but intellectual disablities."

You just displayed your own. You conflated what I accuse you of doing with an accusation I never made, namely your political beliefs. It's all that bad squirrel meat, Jimmy. This is what you get from a lifetime of eating infected parsite ridden "wild game" since you were seven.

Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, it's what's for dinner when dinner is squirrel! In your case, you got the really juicy kind that induce irrationality and stupid.

As for morals, you're a liar so many different times over by now, any concern from you about something being "moral" is unintentional self-parody.
"Jorge Mario Bergolio is an antipope and an evil little man who is causing schism."
"When one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it." -Joseph Goebbels
and then you baww about calling someone a Nazi when you're following Goebbels word for word when he spread his own lies against the Catholic Church.
As for causing schism, no he isn't. Not a concern for you since you already ARE in schism and, …More
"Jorge Mario Bergolio is an antipope and an evil little man who is causing schism."

"When one lies, one should lie big, and stick to it." -Joseph Goebbels

and then you baww about calling someone a Nazi when you're following Goebbels word for word when he spread his own lies against the Catholic Church.

As for causing schism, no he isn't. Not a concern for you since you already ARE in schism and, according to the Church no longer a part of it.
"Piety and theological orthodoxy is no protection against the mental habits instilled by modern education." - Stratford Caldecott, 'The Radiance of Being: Dimensions of a Cosmic Christianity'