
Rolling Eyes: Curia Cardinal Condemns Burke and Brandmüller

Cardinal Giuseppe Versaldi, prefect of the Congregation for Catholic Education, has condemned the Open Letter of Cardinals Burke and Brandmüller in which they point to the “plague of the homosexual …More
Cardinal Giuseppe Versaldi, prefect of the Congregation for Catholic Education, has condemned the Open Letter of Cardinals Burke and Brandmüller in which they point to the “plague of the homosexual agenda” inside the Church.
Versaldi told InfoVaticana.com (February 23) that this letter is “useless” and “not very sensible”.
The article adds that Versaldi “rolled his eyes”.
Versaldi belongs together with the Cardinals Parolin, Calcagno and Bertello to the group of prelates who successfully blocked Cardinal Pell's financial reform.
Picture: Giuseppe Versaldi, © Sulbud, wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsFdezuqiuxr
Why of course he would, the truth hurts!
If you are not part of the solution , you could be part of the problem . No????
Holy Cannoli
Versaldi told InfoVaticana.com (February 23) that this letter is “useless” and “not very sensible”.
Cardinal Giuseppe Versaldi's comment could very well be used to categorize a number of 'jokers' within the episcopacy.More
Versaldi told InfoVaticana.com (February 23) that this letter is “useless” and “not very sensible”.

Cardinal Giuseppe Versaldi's comment could very well be used to categorize a number of 'jokers' within the episcopacy.
Anybody who defends homosexuality, is or has some homosexual tendencies. I’m convinced.