
Vatican Starts Trial Against Martyr Cardinal Pell

The Vatican press office announced (February 27) that the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith will now handle the case of Cardinal George Pell, 77, "following the procedure and within the time established by canonical norm" after Pell's spurious conviction.

This seem to contradict a February 26 statement that the Vatican would await the outcome of Pell's appeal.

The Vatican has abundant access to witnesses in this particular case, so it is likely that Cardinal Pell will be acquitted.

It was evident from the beginning that the case against him was and is a sham.

The innocent cardinal was taken into police custody and is now spending his first night in jail. His sentencing will be on March 13.

The Vatican today? really one has to wonder. They do not need to investigate anything, they have all the records their in their archives, they know Cardinal Pell is a innocent man. I am disgusted in the Vatican for not defending Cardinal Pell, but then again i shouldn't be has i have no doubt there was some involvement from certain wolves in the church that wanted him gone!
Why did George Cardinal Pell choose a renowned atheistic Jewish lawyer who has no respect for his beliefs at 50K a day?
It's really simple.... because not even one of the most experienced and respected defence lawyers in Australia could prevent the verdict of a jury in the face of the overwhelming evidence presented. George Pell is a officially a convicted child sex offender.
paul grech
What was "overwhelming" about the evidence? The fact that it was only one witness with a sick mind or that what he said was not only improbable verging on the impossible but also utterly contradictory; or was it the biased leftist media campaign waged over 2 years to depict Pell as an ogre? Our Lord Jesus was also "officially convicted" as a blasphemer but the Sanhedrin was totally wrong. So is this …More
What was "overwhelming" about the evidence? The fact that it was only one witness with a sick mind or that what he said was not only improbable verging on the impossible but also utterly contradictory; or was it the biased leftist media campaign waged over 2 years to depict Pell as an ogre? Our Lord Jesus was also "officially convicted" as a blasphemer but the Sanhedrin was totally wrong. So is this kangaroo court in Victoria in relation to Cardinal George Pell.
He is on his way to heaven, Jesus was innocent and was condemned. What a blessing for a cardinal to walk in Jesus’s shoes...
Don't be sure, everybody has a closet.
I pray that he is innocent ,
Only those not useful anymore to The Francis get this treatment.
This type of trial should be enacted on most if not all the crooked cardinals and bishops surrounding the Pope!!!
Don Reto Nay
alex j
They were all handpicked by the Pope!!!