
President of the Republic, “We Don't Close Down Churches" (Video)

Tanzania President John Magufuli, a practicing Catholic, said on Sunday, March 22, in Dodoma, the Capital of Tanzania, in St. Paul's Cathedral:

“I insist upon you my fellow Christians and even Moslems, do not be afraid, do not stop gathering to glorify God and praise Him.

That is why, as a government, we didn't close down churches or mosques. Instead, they should be always open for the people to seek refuge to God.

Churches are places where people may seek the true healing, because there, the True God resides. Do not to be afraid of praising and seeking God's face in the Church.”

Referring to the Eucharist, Magufuli said: "The coronavirus cannot survive in Christ's Eucharistic body. It will soon be burnt away.

That is exactly why I did not panic while taking Holy Communion, because I know, with Jesus in the Eucharist I am safe. This is the time of building our faith in God.”

vi.news and 9 more users link to this post
That's so beautiful! I bet that didn't make front page news in the MSM!
Our Lady, help of Christians, pray for us!
"and every spirit that dissolveth Jesus, is not of God : and this is Antichrist, of whom you have heard that he commeth, and now he is in the world (1 John 4:3)."
@mattsixteen24 His Catholic faith is a personal one. He is speaking as a leader who represents a constituency of different faiths. Try to see the positive in a man who's proudly defending both the Church and the sanctity of the Eucharist, okay? :-)
How is he a practicing Catholic when he tells muslims to continue their false worship that is leading them to hell?? That is satanic.
F M Shyanguya
Now a leader after the LORD’s own heart.
He is not shutting down his country’s economy as well.More
Now a leader after the LORD’s own heart.

He is not shutting down his country’s economy as well.
Our Lady of Sorrows
Can you come to the UK as our Shepherds have abandoned us
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