
Francis’ 2020 Stations of the Cross: Written by Convicted Pedophiles?

Francis entrusted the inmates of the Casa di Reclusione, a prison near Padova, Italy, to write the text for his Good Friday 2020 Stations of the Cross at the Roman Coliseum. The prison chaplain is …More
Francis entrusted the inmates of the Casa di Reclusione, a prison near Padova, Italy, to write the text for his Good Friday 2020 Stations of the Cross at the Roman Coliseum.
The prison chaplain is Father Marco Pozza, a pretty-boy, personal friend of Francis, and publisher of a Francis interview book.
Hiding behind contradictions, Francis told Pozza that he wanted "the world of victims first." If this were true, he would not have commissed the text in a prison.
It will be funny to watch the convolutions in the Vatican, if it should turn out that an incarcerated pedophile priest participated in writing the text.
But here it is: Moloch is watching over the Colosseum and the crowned virus will certainly suppress the Way of the Cross, which they will only have to go and do on the moon?
Heaven forbid Pope Francis should offend Communist China by promoting the Stations of the Cross written by the devout Cardinal Kung. www.cardinalkungfoundation.org/pm/pdf/stationsofthecross.pdf
comfort ye
Will we see these reflections?