
Bishop Removes Priest For Preaching Catholic Faith

Mantua Bishop Gianmarco Busca, 53, Italy, has removed Father Angelo Bisi from his Villa Saviola parish, reports local media (February 3).

The removal followed Bisi’s refusal to read Busca’s controversial pastoral letter "allowing" adulterers to receive Holy Communion.

Bisi has been critical of Amoris Laetitia and of Francis’ scandalous cozying up to anti-Catholic figures.

Father Bisi may appeal against his removal at the Roman Rota Romana which has a long history of sloppy working and procrastinating the cases.

Bisi made however clear that he is not fighting for his position but for Christian values.

Picture: Don Angelo Bisi, #newsTclshfkyzl
Imagine how proud Francis is of this bishop!
You should never follow an obedience if it causes you to sin. So no priest or anybody should follow an obedience if it sinful. He is another Martyr !!
This is true, John. However, there are ways of remaining faithful to one's vow of obedience while still subverting one's godless superiors.
For example, such official notices are usually read right before the sermon. Father Bisi could have read the letter making it clear that he was doing so by direct order, and then delivered a sermon of his choosing which details The Chruch's traditional …More
This is true, John. However, there are ways of remaining faithful to one's vow of obedience while still subverting one's godless superiors.

For example, such official notices are usually read right before the sermon. Father Bisi could have read the letter making it clear that he was doing so by direct order, and then delivered a sermon of his choosing which details The Chruch's traditional teachings on a.) grave sin b.) the necessity of being free of a.) as a necessary condition to receiving the Eucharist. and c.) how the Chatechism Of The Catholic Church does, consider adultery to be a species a.).
Yes, true. He could also say that Catholic teaching does not reflect this statement I am about to read, but here I go. I realize how to smoothly relate ideas as to not ruffle feathers. I think we may be moving to a time when we must become bolder. I understand what you are saying though. I am thinking end times standard operating procedures might be a tad different than times past. I say this because …More
Yes, true. He could also say that Catholic teaching does not reflect this statement I am about to read, but here I go. I realize how to smoothly relate ideas as to not ruffle feathers. I think we may be moving to a time when we must become bolder. I understand what you are saying though. I am thinking end times standard operating procedures might be a tad different than times past. I say this because there are many enemies of the true teachings of the faith who hold high offices in the church. Again, thank you for expanding this comment. I believe we should all be thinking about these scenarios, because it may get worse before it gets better. God bless !
Bishops without back bone ,need to examine their conscience
This has to be the result of post Vat II inadequate priestly formation: these inadequates become inadequate bishops.