Wilma Lopez
Louie Verrecchio fixed it for everyone.
I'm becoming more and more convinced that the so called church in Rome is the prophesied false church.
Now he's in charge of the DDF. Incredible, after 60 years the modernist finally succeeded in not only acquiring the papacy but also the DDF. The foxes are guarding the hen house, and the wolves are shepherding the sheep.
John A Cassani
I’m waiting for him to start answering dubia regarding sacramental validity, which is under the purview of this dicastery. Will he condemn using hosts made from potato (rice, etc.) flour, or using pasteurized grape juice in place of wine? Will he condemn every deviation from the proper formula for Baptism, as has been consistently done, even in recent times? I certainly have my doubts. On a certain …More
I’m waiting for him to start answering dubia regarding sacramental validity, which is under the purview of this dicastery. Will he condemn using hosts made from potato (rice, etc.) flour, or using pasteurized grape juice in place of wine? Will he condemn every deviation from the proper formula for Baptism, as has been consistently done, even in recent times? I certainly have my doubts. On a certain level, I couldn’t care less what he does, but it is unsettling to see the auto-demolition of what little is left of the Vatican institution nevertheless.
Even the name of that book seems like an occasion of sin.
Sally M. McGillicuddy
I wrote a poem
like slop
it was a thing that the rigid frigid intellectual midgets called verbal diarrhea or logorrhea
and I drooled when I said:
Look, punk,
I am the Hunter
of the written word. Read it and throw up.