
100 Years Too Late: Ukrainian Bishops Ask Francis To Consecrate Russia

The Ukrainian bishops asked Francis on March 2 to publicly consecrate Ukraine and Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary as requested by Our Lady of Fátima. The second secret of Fátima (July 1917) …More
The Ukrainian bishops asked Francis on March 2 to publicly consecrate Ukraine and Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary as requested by Our Lady of Fátima.
The second secret of Fátima (July 1917) asked for this consecration to prevent war, famine, and persecutions of the Church and promises as a consequence the conversion of Russia and peace, "If not, [Russia] will spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions of the Church. The good will be martyred; the Holy Father will have much to suffer; various nations will be annihilated. In the end, my Immaculate Heart will triumph. The Holy Father will consecrate Russia to me, and she shall be converted, and a period of peace will be granted to the world."
Czar Nicholas II abdicated in March 1917. Lenin returned to Russia in April. In October, the Russian Revolution started. Since the 1960s, Neo-Communism has spread to the West. The consecration was never performed.
Picture: © Militia Immaculatae, #newsWsylrkayrb
alfred dunn
It is not too late. In fact Our Lady said it would happen late.
It's not too late; She said, he will do it, but it will be late. Pray, say your Rosary, beg God for mercy.
Angelo Santelli
Good luck with that. Woyyla never supported Father Nicholas Gruner, whom I met and with whom I also conversed later by phone. I told him Rome would never listen to a Priest charged with not being canonically incardinated (he was), and that it was a miracle the Pope listened to Saint Catherine of Siena about where he should be residing as Pope. The lard posing now as Peter now does not even have …More
Good luck with that. Woyyla never supported Father Nicholas Gruner, whom I met and with whom I also conversed later by phone. I told him Rome would never listen to a Priest charged with not being canonically incardinated (he was), and that it was a miracle the Pope listened to Saint Catherine of Siena about where he should be residing as Pope. The lard posing now as Peter now does not even have devotion to the Mother of God.
Ursula Sankt
Maybe we needed a pope who didn't believe anything, or care about anything religious to do this.
가입을 원합니다
Better Too Late than Never !
porta folio manager
@aderito 'pope'? wich one? does this planet have A Pope? a Vicar of Christ?... pls... tell me where he is? and why he hides from the world!
I hope that you are not thinking of mr. bergoglio, who hates the Catholic Faith... or the benedict, who lied at all of us with the false 'fatima secret'...
Jeffrey Ade
Viva Cristo Rey!
"does this planet have A Pope?" A Catholic would not ask this. A sedevacantist would.
porta folio manager
So... does you imply that the ones that recognize that bergoglio is an heretic, does not are Catholics ???? based on what ???
I can tell that the ones that recognize bergoglio as "pope" DENIES the Dogma(s) of: Infallibility of the Church... Infallibility of the Pope and the NOT-FALL of the Church (Dogma)... so, the ONES that recognize this men as pope are not catholics (as they deny …More
So... does you imply that the ones that recognize that bergoglio is an heretic, does not are Catholics ???? based on what ???

I can tell that the ones that recognize bergoglio as "pope" DENIES the Dogma(s) of: Infallibility of the Church... Infallibility of the Pope and the NOT-FALL of the Church (Dogma)... so, the ONES that recognize this men as pope are not catholics (as they deny Dogmas)
Se habla Ingles, muchacho. Pope Francis is not "an heretic" by the definition and criteria of The Catholic Church. That's something you and many others like you simply don't recognize. The Church decides who is "an heretic"... not you. Protip: The Pope is not always infallible. Go learn your Catechism and get back to me.
porta folio manager
Ok... we can say it in (adecuate) english AND spanish (maybe french too?)
la definicion y criterio sobre lo que ES EL PECADO de herejeia (que no el DELITO CANONICO) consiste en la NEGACION PERTINAZ (o la duda o la interpretacion distinta) de un Verdad de Fe... le listo las que bergoglio ha [distosionado? negado? transgredido?] ... solo vea el sitio Glora.TV ... esta lleno de sus herejias (PECADOS …More
Ok... we can say it in (adecuate) english AND spanish (maybe french too?)
la definicion y criterio sobre lo que ES EL PECADO de herejeia (que no el DELITO CANONICO) consiste en la NEGACION PERTINAZ (o la duda o la interpretacion distinta) de un Verdad de Fe... le listo las que bergoglio ha [distosionado? negado? transgredido?] ... solo vea el sitio Glora.TV ... esta lleno de sus herejias (PECADOS de herejia, no DELITOS CANONICOS, que es otro asunto)
The Church has two concepts about HERESY 1) the SIN of heresy / 2) the CANONICAL DELICT of heresy... and we are talking about the SIN of heresy, and it is as simple as to DENY [or give a false interpretation or distortion] of ANY Truth of Faith ... and you can find HUNDREDS of samples of the SIN (not the canonical delict) of bergolios heresy at GLORIA.TV...
The virtue of obedience does not only apply to clerical superiors, but also to the Mother of God.
I hope that this Pope would do it but i have my doubts
Our Lady asked for Russia to be consecrated to the Immaculate heart of Mary.