Would you trust these men / faces? Like buying a car from them? Francis, his second man Cardinal Pietro Parolin and the new Camerlengo, Cardinal FarrrellMore
Would you trust these men / faces? Like buying a car from them?
Francis, his second man Cardinal Pietro Parolin and the new Camerlengo, Cardinal Farrrell
Don’t Judge or God will judge you in the same manner!!!!
Trust only God!
Wouldn't take free car from them. It would be the death of me.
It's worth remembering that looks can be deceiving, for good and for evil.
Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI bears a marked visual resemblance to the corrupt and diabolical Senator Palpatine/ The Emperor from Star Wars. Yet he (Benedict XVI not Sen. Palpatine) authored the Motu Proprio "Summorum Pontificum" which has done more to restore traditional Catholic culture and reinvigorate Catholic faith than …More
It's worth remembering that looks can be deceiving, for good and for evil.

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI bears a marked visual resemblance to the corrupt and diabolical Senator Palpatine/ The Emperor from Star Wars. Yet he (Benedict XVI not Sen. Palpatine) authored the Motu Proprio "Summorum Pontificum" which has done more to restore traditional Catholic culture and reinvigorate Catholic faith than the actions of any pontiff in over a generation.

There's also the matter of a certain man, a former carpenter turned itinerant preacher, who would have fit in perfectly with the disreputable hippie scene back in the 1970s. Long hair, scruffy beard, loose clothes, sandals... the works.
Ultraviolet, why did you compare Our pure, spotless God-man to a disreputable hippie. Were you joking?.
A comparison of drug addicted, irreligious hippy, wastrels inspired by the demonic, DOES match to a greater extent with some of those believing themselves to be Jesus Christ's Bishops today.
May they all grow their hair down to their midrif's along with their beards - so that the sheep of Christ …More
Ultraviolet, why did you compare Our pure, spotless God-man to a disreputable hippie. Were you joking?.
A comparison of drug addicted, irreligious hippy, wastrels inspired by the demonic, DOES match to a greater extent with some of those believing themselves to be Jesus Christ's Bishops today.
May they all grow their hair down to their midrif's along with their beards - so that the sheep of Christ can see them for the aged, hippified, abusers & addicts that a lot of them are! There's still time to change - the Confessional is not far away - if there's a validly ordained Priest around them. (Perhaps they are safest picking the eldest one they can find!) Let's hope these duds visit him and gain true spiritual absolution. The vultures are hovering overhead!
That's a fair question. No, I'm not joking. If our pure spotless God-man was dressed in modern clothes and standing by the side of the road, would you stop to give Him a ride? If He walked up to you downtown and asked you for some change (perhaps to make a phone call or simply to test your charity) Would you give him some? Since you're on Gloria.tv, most likel you'll say "yes." Whether or not you …More
That's a fair question. No, I'm not joking. If our pure spotless God-man was dressed in modern clothes and standing by the side of the road, would you stop to give Him a ride? If He walked up to you downtown and asked you for some change (perhaps to make a phone call or simply to test your charity) Would you give him some? Since you're on Gloria.tv, most likel you'll say "yes." Whether or not you actually would is something entirely different. There's no shame in that. Most people don't pick up hitchikers and they don't give money to scruffy long-haired pan-handlers.

Our pure spotelss God-man could be standing there with His long hair and a beard and He would look very much like thousands of other men with long hair and beards. There wouldn't be a halo around His head any more than there was when He walked the shores of Galilee.

You've been conditioned, as millions others have, to recognize images of Our Lord and respond to them emotionally and piously without truly -looking- at them. The Face on the Shroud of Turin is of a Man who did in fact, look like the "drug addicted, irreligious" hippies of the 1970s. I'll readily admit that isn't a particularly pious observation but it's one that's factually true.

And there's the point you seem to be missing so I'll repeat it: looks can be deceiving, for good and for evil.

In the photo above (and many others) Cardinal Bergoglio looks dissolute and smug as do his cronies. In most photos, Cardinal Ratzinger looks scheming and malevolent. However, I think we can both agree there is an enormous difference between their views on the Mass, the way they choose to participate in it, and their respective papacies in general.

Age and infirmity play havoc with our physical appearance, which is why judging people's trustworthiness, particularly the elderly, just by their looks is more than a little uncharitable.
NO. St Michael defend us in battle against the corrupt clerics!
A second NO!!
Birds of a feather, flock together.
Well...the man in white has been known to use lemon car sales techniques.