Was John Paul II under demonic influence? - Many will see the title to this post and assume that it’s hyperbole. Others, like perhaps most regular readers of this space, will answer the question aloud …More
Was John Paul II under demonic influence? - Many will see the title to this post and assume that it’s hyperbole. Others, like perhaps most regular readers of this space, will answer the question aloud in the affirmative even before reading what follows.
After all, it certainly wasn’t the influence of Almighty God that moved Pope John Paul II to orchestrate the Assisi events, to take part in pagan rituals, and to publicly pray for the intercession of St. John the Baptist to “protect Islam.”
Even so, the thing that moves me to pose this question here today is a video (below) that a friend recently shared on Facebook. It shows footage of the Polish pope at a gathering with high school students in New York at Madison Square Garden in 1979.
Please, take a look.
The pope is formally introduced at roughly the 0:40 mark, after which the raucous cheers of the crowd begin. Pope John Paul II doesn’t respond vocally, however, for more than a minute-and-a-half.
For the sake of expedience, the video …More
Miles - Christi and 2 more users link to this post
Binushiya Gnanaamirtharja Benjamin
Better we don’t follow the errors of our ancestors in blindly following clowns of a counter church…stay catholic….pluck out everything that stands against it..we can do it by grace and mercy of god alone….look up to the church triumphant …
Binushiya Gnanaamirtharja Benjamin
Well …he is what he is a leader of novus ordo religion ….the chaos would have stopped if we stood firm in 1958 …the result was and is clowns in vatican
Super Omnia Veritas shares this
Was John Paul II under demonic influence?
So sad. The people treat him as a rock star and he seems to eat it all up. Not what a pope should act like at all
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
"Was John Paul II under demonic influence? "---Maybe.
Laura Yunque
I was in high school at the time and had wished I was one of the students from my school selected to attend. I am glad that I was not selected. To say that this video is evident of him bring under demonic control is a stretch. However, the Pope's behavior is odd and rather disconcerting considering that these students are not cheering for Jesus, but for him. He sees the power and influence he has …More
I was in high school at the time and had wished I was one of the students from my school selected to attend. I am glad that I was not selected. To say that this video is evident of him bring under demonic control is a stretch. However, the Pope's behavior is odd and rather disconcerting considering that these students are not cheering for Jesus, but for him. He sees the power and influence he has over them and he is rather enjoying it. He was a most charismatic person and in a position of great authority and power - a dangerous combination and certainly fraught with temptation. The world, the flesh and the Devil we must constantly battle. Such a person as JPII even more so.
The unsaint JPII sponsored Assist "prayer" meeting violating the first commandment, I don't care what legacy he leaves.
Looks like the beginning of dementia associated with his Parkinson’s and that could be anything from an adverse reaction to medication as well. God bless Pope JP2 may he rest in peace.
Miles - Christi
No way, it was in 1979, the year after his election, he was 59, and in very good health...