
Francis: “I’m Responsible For China Deal" – "Underground Catholics Will Suffer”

During a press conference in the plane from Talinn to Rome (September 25), Pope Francis refused to answer a question about whistle-blower Archbishop Viganò, using the pretext that he wanted to talk about the trip "first". But the question wasn't brought up again.

At the end of the conference, Francis talked about the Vatican’s betrayal of the Chinese Catholics stating that, “I am responsible for the agreement with China.”

He admitted that the Chinese underground Catholics have suffered, “And, they will suffer", he added, "Always, in an agreement, there is suffering.”

Francis refuses to take questions about Archbishop Vigano. So much for parrhesia
“Even if it is one single priest who abuses a child — this is monstrous," said Francis in the plane. So, what about commissioning a 2,000 page hit piece directed against *a child* who truthfully accused a priest of abusing him? Because that’s what Pope Francis did for his guilty priest friend.
De Profundis
By the way. 16 days since the C9 Council of Cardinals stated the "Holy See is about to make the eventual and necessary clarifications" on the Vigano memorandum. But: still nothing.
De Profundis
The English speaking journalists were upset they were not allowed to ask questions on the plane, even tame Italians thought him evasive, some even speculate he has a psychiatric problems.
He didn't want to answer journalists questions on Vigano, but Pope Francis did reference him without mentioning his name; "when there was that famous statement from an ex-nuncio, bishops from the whole world wrote to tell me they were close to me and praying for me."
Pseudo wisdom !!!
Dr Bobus
It's not a matter that in any agreement there is suffering. Perhaps it would be more appropriate to say in any sellout there is suffering.