
Great Show, Although Coronavirus Is "Not" God's Judgment

Francis gave today his blessing Urbi et Orbi to stop the coronavirus. Although devoid of direct information, he claimed that the virus "is not a judgment" from God. According to him, it only teaches …More
Francis gave today his blessing Urbi et Orbi to stop the coronavirus. Although devoid of direct information, he claimed that the virus "is not a judgment" from God.
According to him, it only teaches us that there is for us a time to distinguish between what matters and what passes away.
Francis compared the situation to the apostles in the storm, “Now that we are in a stormy sea, we beg Jesus ‘Wake up, Lord!’”
The staging of the event by Vatican television was evocative. Francis walked alone in the rain in a deserted Saint Peter's Square and prayed alone to stop the virus. As usual, he refused to kneel in front of the Blessed Sacrament.
During benediction, the bells tolled while the sirens of the nearby police cars howled.
...yet it's a monumental judgment from... "Mother Earth"? 🤔
The "extraordinary" moment of prayer had strong imagery. I'm sure many Catholics were relieved to see the Pope act Catholic. What was good about the event is God's action.
Francis' words don't seem consistent with the Catholic faith. Does God "judge" this?More
...yet it's a monumental judgment from... "Mother Earth"? 🤔

The "extraordinary" moment of prayer had strong imagery. I'm sure many Catholics were relieved to see the Pope act Catholic. What was good about the event is God's action.

Francis' words don't seem consistent with the Catholic faith. Does God "judge" this?
Francis, "The storm exposes our vulnerability and uncovers those false and superfluous certainties around which we have constructed our daily schedules, our projects, our habits and priorities. It shows us how we have allowed to become dull and feeble the very things that nourish, sustain and strengthen our lives and our communities. The tempest lays bare all our prepackaged ideas and forgetfulness …More
Francis, "The storm exposes our vulnerability and uncovers those false and superfluous certainties around which we have constructed our daily schedules, our projects, our habits and priorities. It shows us how we have allowed to become dull and feeble the very things that nourish, sustain and strengthen our lives and our communities. The tempest lays bare all our prepackaged ideas and forgetfulness of what nourishes our people’s souls; all those attempts that anesthetize us with ways of thinking and acting that supposedly 'save' us, but instead prove incapable of putting us in touch with our roots and keeping alive the memory of those who have gone before us. We deprive ourselves of the antibodies we need to confront adversity."
Angie W.
The German Benedictine nun Saint Hildegard of Bingen prophesied that this son of perdition (false prophet, false pope) will cause disease so that people will come to him for help instead of turning to God.
"As usual, he refused to kneel in front of the Blessed Sacrament." 'm sure that went over real well with the Almighty. *sigh* :/
He's old and walks with difficulty, it may be very painful and probably he couldn't rise should he try to genuflect.
My Jesus Mercy.
If you're being sarcastic, my compliments. It's well-delivered. ;-) If you're not, well... His infirmities have never stopped him from grovelling when he wishes...
Pope Francis has never had difficulty with the "washing of the feet"... Like so...
Or abasing himself to Sudanese leaders... He did it twice in a row, here...
www.ncronline.org …More
If you're being sarcastic, my compliments. It's well-delivered. ;-) If you're not, well... His infirmities have never stopped him from grovelling when he wishes...

Pope Francis has never had difficulty with the "washing of the feet"... Like so...

Or abasing himself to Sudanese leaders... He did it twice in a row, here...

It's just during Mass. and that is a mighty peculiar and selective problem. ;-)
He is a "big showmen" , he is an actor, and impostor, a servant of the devil, a criminal, and antipope. He is not remotely Catholic. youtu.be/ZnGq7d_u9p8
So many are taken in by the big showman and the staging! Sheesh. It’s pathetic. This is the same one who brought idol worship of the Pachamama to the Vatican & world,... amongst other evils. Somehow it reminds me of the showmanship of the Wizard of Oz.
Also, this one can kneel before God, if he can kneel before so-called dignitaries & before the people present for the foot washing on Holy Thursday …More
So many are taken in by the big showman and the staging! Sheesh. It’s pathetic. This is the same one who brought idol worship of the Pachamama to the Vatican & world,... amongst other evils. Somehow it reminds me of the showmanship of the Wizard of Oz.
Also, this one can kneel before God, if he can kneel before so-called dignitaries & before the people present for the foot washing on Holy Thursday. You can fool some of the people some of the time. But you cannot fool all of the people all of the time.
It is called great deception. See the latest documentaries on vaticancatholic.com that explain everything, also that for Salvation you have to be Catholic, there are still remnant of true Catholics. I encourage you to pray daily 15 decades Rosary.
I liked your most recent post, because I liked your comment to pray daily the 15 decades Rosary. However, I haven’t yet looked up the website you named. Therefore, to be honest and prudent, I cannot endorse that, so far, since I have no idea what’s on it, at this time. Thanks for the reminder to all to pray the 15 decade Rosary daily. I’ve been trying to pray chain Rosaries, as in the idea of …More
I liked your most recent post, because I liked your comment to pray daily the 15 decades Rosary. However, I haven’t yet looked up the website you named. Therefore, to be honest and prudent, I cannot endorse that, so far, since I have no idea what’s on it, at this time. Thanks for the reminder to all to pray the 15 decade Rosary daily. I’ve been trying to pray chain Rosaries, as in the idea of chain smoking, 1 after another. I do not smoke and by the grace of God and praying the Rosaries, I Hope never to smoke. 😉
I wound not compare that to a chain smoking. (also, Prayer is something you exhale, something you give out.) Pray for the virtue of humility, and have a throughout look into it.
De Profundis
This time, they didn’t even bother putting a kneeler…
He, who claims, that God wills a diversity of religions
He is not a pope, but uncatholic antipope, please see the website vaticancatholic.com