
Is The Church For Francis 200 Years "Behind" [Western Decadence]?

Francis is not contemplating a resignation, Father Guillermo Marcó, a former secretary of Cardinal Bergoglio, writes on InfoBae.com (June 12). Francis calls Marcó every 29 January for his birthday, …More
Francis is not contemplating a resignation, Father Guillermo Marcó, a former secretary of Cardinal Bergoglio, writes on InfoBae.com (June 12).
Francis calls Marcó every 29 January for his birthday, “He sets aside time to chat, not just say hello.”
With Francis’ troubles to walk everything takes more time, “but he does everything alone,” and he reserved an hour and a half of his time for Marcó’s recent visit at Santa Marta.
Presently, Francis is reading “La Chiesa che verrà” [The Coming Church], an interview book with the late Milan Cardinal Martini (+2012), one of the main architects of the present downfall of the Church in Italy.
This is how InfoBae.com puts it, Francis “is reading a book about the Church, the latest interview with Cardinal Martini, he [= Francis] says that the Church is 200 years behind [what?].” The Spanish wording suggests that Francis adopted Martini’s thesis.
Francis is “full of projects” and “at no time did he raise the possibility of resignation with me,” Marcó …More
Hypocriete club.
Both Corriere della Sera and La Repubblica today dumping on wild speculation that pope will resign in August, wherein dots that should have been left unconnected were connected. Pope to bishops: "To govern, you need a head, not legs".
Il Papa, una battuta e le voci di dimissioni. «Ma per governare ci vuole la testa, non le gambe»More
Both Corriere della Sera and La Repubblica today dumping on wild speculation that pope will resign in August, wherein dots that should have been left unconnected were connected. Pope to bishops: "To govern, you need a head, not legs".

Il Papa, una battuta e le voci di dimissioni. «Ma per governare ci vuole la testa, non le gambe»