
Francis Will Be A "Tragic Failure"

Pope Francis will either be remembered as an immense success or as a tragic failure – with very little room in between, said the New York Times Columnist Ross Douthat. He expects however the latter. …More
Pope Francis will either be remembered as an immense success or as a tragic failure – with very little room in between, said the New York Times Columnist Ross Douthat. He expects however the latter.
During a debate at the Jesuit Fordham University, New York City, (January 31), Douthat declared that the Bergoglio Church is “drifting to a kind of Anglican model” in which Catholic teaching looks different in Warsaw than in Berlin.
According to Douthat in Francis' "Anglican approach" there is "no official papal policy or maybe there is”, but “it is advanced to sort of publication of a private letter that slips later in the acts of the Holy See”. These changes will turn the Church in a kind of "liberal Protestantism with a Catholic dressing”. As a consequence Douthat expects “some breakages at some point”.
Picture: Ross Douthat, #newsRjgzgttsdy
I think pope Francis thinks is rockin`the world that everybody loves him . In one way is right the world loves him ,but what`s the use if you loose your soul and the soul of others
He is successful so far in destroying the Church but will be a tragic failure in completing what he desires because as Christ said, "The gates of hell will not prevail against it".
The primary goal is to destroy the catholic church the secondary goal is to destroy Christianity. To be replaced with the luciferianism philosophy of the mansons. The light bearer the god of pleasure and delight. That's what the one world religion is all about.
Lisi Sterndorfer
The "Anglican approach" will later be called Bergoglification of the Church.