
Synod Preacher: Francis Appoints Homosex-Extremist

Father Timothy Radcliffe OP, 77, will lead an October 1-3 day retreat for the bishops attending the Synod on Synodality.

When he was the Dominicans' Master General (1992-2001), Radcliffe allowed the admission of homosexuals to religious life, and later presided Homosex Eucharists in London.

Radcliffe’s homosexualism has sparked controversies for decades. In the Anglican Pilling Report (2013), Radcliffe said about practised homosexuality that “we cannot begin with the question of whether it is permitted or forbidden” but "must ask what it means and how far it is Eucharistic (sic!)."

He believes that homosexual acts can be "generous," "tender," "mutual," and "nonviolent" and express "Christ’s self-gift.”

Radcliffe also suggested that "we must" accompany homosexuals "as they discern what this [= sin] means," proposing to let our images "be stretched open." To do so, he recommended consuming homosex films and novels, living with "our" homosex friends "and listening with them as they listen to the Lord."

Picture: © Mazur/catholicnews.org.uk, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsYazsyhrvkc

la verdad prevalece
Novus Ordo Watch:
The man #PopeFrancis has chosen to lead the pre-#Synod retreat in Rome in October is Timothy Radcliffe, whose 'Eucharistic sexual ethic' will turn your stomach - How much clearer does it need to get to see that anti-Catholics are in charge at the Vatican?
Bonnie Louise
Would one Bishop resist? How about a nice big group refuses the "talk".
Sandy Barrett shares this
Francis invites notorious pro-LGBT priest to lead key Synod retreat for bishops:
Fr. Radcliffe has been a vocal and consistent promoter of LGBT ideology for decades.More
Francis invites notorious pro-LGBT priest to lead key Synod retreat for bishops:

Fr. Radcliffe has been a vocal and consistent promoter of LGBT ideology for decades.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I would not be surprised that with each and every act like this, Francis is making more and more enemies in the Sacred College of Cardinals, the Roman Curia, and bishops across the world.
Wilma Lopez shares this
Former Dominican master general Fr. Timothy Radcliffe will lead a three-day retreat for the world’s bishops ahead of the synod on synodality in October
Live Mike
Hey... Do you see that? Yeah... It's just peeking over the horizon... Yeah... It looks something like a schism.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@Live Mike -Yes, it's coming. Francis is too stupid to see it. It's not a liberal revolt....it's the good faithful Catholics who are going to stand up and say enough is enough and force Bergoglio to back down and maybe force him out. I've read too much about all this to think that a growing number of influential Catholics, including a good percentage of Caridnals and bishops, will stand by and do …More
@Live Mike -Yes, it's coming. Francis is too stupid to see it. It's not a liberal revolt....it's the good faithful Catholics who are going to stand up and say enough is enough and force Bergoglio to back down and maybe force him out. I've read too much about all this to think that a growing number of influential Catholics, including a good percentage of Caridnals and bishops, will stand by and do nothing. Watch for it. I think Francis will be so shocked he won't know where to run.
la verdad prevalece
Bergoglio leads the gay mafia
The formation of the Lavender Mafia:
Describing the formation of homosexual cliques of clergy Fr. Oko says:
They know well, however, that they may be exposed and embarrassed, so they shield one another by offering mutual support. They build informal relationships reminding of a clique or even mafia, aim at holding particularly those positions which offer power and …More
Bergoglio leads the gay mafia
The formation of the Lavender Mafia:
Describing the formation of homosexual cliques of clergy Fr. Oko says:

They know well, however, that they may be exposed and embarrassed, so they shield one another by offering mutual support. They build informal relationships reminding of a clique or even mafia, aim at holding particularly those positions which offer power and money.
When they achieve a decision-making position, they try to promote and advance mostly those whose nature is similar to theirs, or at least who are known to be too weak to oppose them.

Fr. Oko said, "Just like in the military, in the police, in the art world, once a person with homosexual tendencies gets into power, usually their subordinates are also homosexuals, therefore they start creating a pyramid, and the same thing is happening in the Church with these bishops who knowingly nominate people with the same tendencies."
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I can't imagine anyone more evil that him. And the worthless Cardinals do nothing.
la verdad prevalece
la verdad prevalece
"Tyrants surround themselves with bad men because they like to be flattered and no man of high spirit will flatter them"
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
That sounds like something Machiavelli would have written.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Bergoglio's Synod will be about nothing but Homosexuality, and the decrees allowing for blessing of homosexuals, and the "teaching " and indoctrination that homosexuality is normal, natural, and pefect expression of love for God.
Sorry, but I have come to absolutely hate Pope Francis and his Vatican. If he dies on his trip to Sudan along with a plane full of his homo liberal cardinals.... I don't …More
Bergoglio's Synod will be about nothing but Homosexuality, and the decrees allowing for blessing of homosexuals, and the "teaching " and indoctrination that homosexuality is normal, natural, and pefect expression of love for God.
Sorry, but I have come to absolutely hate Pope Francis and his Vatican. If he dies on his trip to Sudan along with a plane full of his homo liberal cardinals.... I don't wish it on him, but if it happened, too bad. The Church can boo hoo for him for 10 minutes, tthen maybe we can elect a Catholic Pope.
John Fritz Logan
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori I am not entirely sure about that. Francis seems to often give radical voices prominence during synods but we've seen diminishing returns in terms of what that results in.
The final documents off the synod off the family were watered down and he forced in some ambiguities in Amoris Laetitia.
But then te Synod of the Youth did little to go further with sexuality or include the …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori I am not entirely sure about that. Francis seems to often give radical voices prominence during synods but we've seen diminishing returns in terms of what that results in.

The final documents off the synod off the family were watered down and he forced in some ambiguities in Amoris Laetitia.

But then te Synod of the Youth did little to go further with sexuality or include the term LGBT (which had been considered possible).

Then after the Amazon synod he didn't take up the loosening of priestly celibacy and later he supported a conference by Cardinal Ouellet defending it.

He kept kicking the ball down the road regarding female deacons and he surprisingly approved the CDF decree against blessing gay unions in early 2021.

He has been extending and making ad hoc decisions regarding this synod. Now there won't be definitive results till at least the end of next year, and you and I both question whether he'll make the first session this year don't we?

Francis appears indecisive and flipflopping. If he's ready to appoint a radical German as doctrine of faith prefect then he might think he has nothing to lose and be trying to pull a reverse Benedict who appointed Muller a couple of months before his resignation.

Francis didn't even make the 2022 world meeting of the families pro-gay. Hollerich even backtracked on his radical comments. They're losing and Bergoglio seems more and more erratic.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@John Fritz Logan -Very good analysis. I appreciated it. Your end comment that "they're losing" I hope is true. Bergoglio's been cancelling some events and things lately....wonder if his supposed bad health is acting up, more than just his knee. Thank you for your post. 👏
John Fritz Logan
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori What you said about Francis in Africa... reminded me of Bishop Alexander of Constantinople. After Arius had feigned repentance and a synod influenced by a circle around Emperor Constantine ordered Arius to be readmittd to comunion, bishop Alexander prayed to God that either he or Arius would die before such a desecration could happen.
I have considered whether this is the …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori What you said about Francis in Africa... reminded me of Bishop Alexander of Constantinople. After Arius had feigned repentance and a synod influenced by a circle around Emperor Constantine ordered Arius to be readmittd to comunion, bishop Alexander prayed to God that either he or Arius would die before such a desecration could happen.

I have considered whether this is the precise time to pray for something similar. Struggled with it, I have written prayers cursing heretics and apostate prelates before. Tried to follow after the prophets off old. Thought it might be my duty to do so here, also feared it could be evil or sinful.

Please pray for me that I will not follow evil but fulfil all my duties.
Bajki Religijne Alternatywa dla modlitwy
Bajka religijna domcodziennego odmawiania alternatywa dla modlitwy
Pewnego dnia żyła sobie przepiękna dziewczynka Iga i bawiła się lubiła cieszyć się życiem ale jak skończyła 10 lat została zabita nożem przez ojca który chciał popełnić samobójstwo rozszerzone i zabił dziewczynkę a sam przeżył. Ludzie zaczęli wyśmiewać w internecie śmierć dziecka mimo że było piękne i nawet żartowali o krowim …More
Bajka religijna domcodziennego odmawiania alternatywa dla modlitwy

Pewnego dnia żyła sobie przepiękna dziewczynka Iga i bawiła się lubiła cieszyć się życiem ale jak skończyła 10 lat została zabita nożem przez ojca który chciał popełnić samobójstwo rozszerzone i zabił dziewczynkę a sam przeżył. Ludzie zaczęli wyśmiewać w internecie śmierć dziecka mimo że było piękne i nawet żartowali o krowim placku żeby pochować ją od krowim stolcem. Ludzie z rodziny i szkoły czekali na pogrzeb ale kiedy zobaczyli nagrobek dla zamordowanej dziewczynki byli w szoku starsza siostra Ola była mocno zdziwiona że krowi placek przygotowano jako nagrobek dla jej młodszej siostry. Dziewczynki z klasy były bardzo zdziwione że przy krowim placku będą musieli się wyrażać z wielkim szacunkiem ponieważ nagrobek dla zamordowanej nożem dziewczynki służył krowi placek. Rodzina powiedziała że jakie znicze postawić na grób bo krowi placek jest bardzo mały a grobem dla zamordowanej dziewczynki był krowi placek rodzina zamordowanej 10 letniej dziewczynki postanowiła postawić na nagrobku czyli na krowim placku podgrzewacze. Wszyscy odmówili wieczny odpoczynek i poszli do domu. Dziewczynki z klasy opowiadali w szkole i tworzyły opowiadania o nagrobku zrobionym z krowiego placka.