
Cardinal Müller On New Prefect For The Destruction of Faith

Cardinal Müller commented on Archbishop Fernández' appointment as Francis' destroyer of the Faith (LifeSiteNews.com, July 4). In 2016, Müller called Fernández “heretical,” but now he says that back …More
Cardinal Müller commented on Archbishop Fernández' appointment as Francis' destroyer of the Faith (LifeSiteNews.com, July 4).
In 2016, Müller called Fernández “heretical,” but now he says that back then he criticised “the opinion” [expressed by Fernández] that any diocese could become the seat of the Successor of Peter.
Müller adds that a pope or a bishop cannot demand obedience for their private opinions, "and certainly not for teachings and actions that would contradict revelation and the natural moral law.”
Asked about Fernández' heresy that fornication is not always sinful, Müller says that the Church cannot relativise the revealed truths.
“In no way can we justify ourselves on the grounds of our fragility, to persist in sin" against the will of God, he said, doubting that his advice was "desired by the addressees."
The pope has chosen his successor- Cdl. Besame Mucho Fernandez. He knows his time is getting short and thus is setting the stage for this monstrosity in the next conclave. Pope Francis would like Fernandez to be Francis II.
bishop kissy-face sounds just like Martin Luther, who said you could keep on fornicating as much as you like - as long as you had Luther's version of "pseudo-faith" -- this is the sure and fast road to hell - it was for Luther and it is for any Catholic who espouses or believes this same lie from "the father of lies" - satan himself! Wake up, Catholics - in the words of St. Paul, Galatians 1:8 Even …More
bishop kissy-face sounds just like Martin Luther, who said you could keep on fornicating as much as you like - as long as you had Luther's version of "pseudo-faith" -- this is the sure and fast road to hell - it was for Luther and it is for any Catholic who espouses or believes this same lie from "the father of lies" - satan himself! Wake up, Catholics - in the words of St. Paul, Galatians 1:8 Even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God's curse!
Pope or a bishop cannot demand obedience for their private opinions
How many force communion on the hand? What about the new mass?
Great jubilee 2000? Vatican II itself?.....etc Late to the party don't you think