
Embarrassing Questions: Ex-President - an Atheist - Wonders About Benedict's Funeral

Václav Klaus, 81, the former Czech President, an atheist, wrote on Klaus.cz (January 6) about his participation at Benedict XVI's funeral. Titel, "The somewhat sad course of Benedict XVI's funeral."

Calling Benedict “the last of the great men of the 20th century” who fought for “the normal world” against - what Klaus calls - "modern progressivism," he had the impression during the funeral that "the whole effort was not about Benedict XVI."

"Not a word was said about him except in general terms," Klaus observes, "There was a strange, but dare I say, not a sacred silence," He doesn't recall the bells of St Peter's ringing forcefully at all.

About the Novus Ordo funeral liturgy, "I'd say it was a 'normal' mass. But I have to confess, I certainly didn't go to Rome for that."

His conclusion, "Could it be that today's Vatican didn't like Benedict? Or not just the Vatican, but today's Catholic Church, which - unlike Pope Benedict - doesn't want to buck the world, even though it is so contrary to the Church's millennia of teaching?"

And, "Wasn't Pope Benedict perhaps the bad conscience of today's Church?"

Picture: © Mazur/cbcew.org.uk, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsQagfiqhxip

That photo with the cell phones! Oh my...
Darrell J Roman
The first picture the bishop to your right next to the bishop who is not on the phone.. is the Primate of Poland... Polak... well, to be honest he is a sad case for a Primate of Poland.. nothing like Wyszynski nor Glemp...
Darrell J Roman
Disgusting these so called bishops with their Cellular god's in their hands.... If I were pontiff I would ban them at the Holy Mass, and if one Bishop was caught... 1-2 years forbidden to offer Mass at St. Peter's... they are worse than the laity who use their cellular god's in our Churches. What example are they giving.
Opera 369
A hoard of senile goats with a toy in their hand. I doubt that they even remember the Creed in Latin (or vernacular). No wonder most of them are under Jorge's diktat, they have no 'desire nor restrictions' to obey their vows. But seriously, the whole Funeral was a severe mockery to Pope Benedict. But it also showed some sane clericals and the whole world, why Jorge has never been and is NOT a POPE!
It takes an atheist to speak the truth? How Perverse!
Par for the course in this upside down world of ours!
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Worthless Cardinals or Bishops, who would play on their cell phones during the funeral for Benedict XVI. Sorry, but I hate Pope Francis and his version of the Catholic Church. He isn't the legit Pope...the legit Pope just died. He's the anti-Pope/anti-Christ, and the Catholic Church he's trying to build from scratch, the "Synodal Church", is trash.
Clement Jaeho Chung
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Kenjiro...thanks for your message....always I am really, really happy to see your comment...even though we have difference country, Language..but we are one, Holy, Orthodox Catholic family..it's much important truth!!! I learning a lot your comment....alwaysh thanks a lot....yes!! yes!!! I saw wrong Cardinals too...like Cupich, Tobin, Hollerich, Marx, Zuppi....ah..so horrible …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Kenjiro...thanks for your message....always I am really, really happy to see your comment...even though we have difference country, Language..but we are one, Holy, Orthodox Catholic family..it's much important truth!!! I learning a lot your comment....alwaysh thanks a lot....yes!! yes!!! I saw wrong Cardinals too...like Cupich, Tobin, Hollerich, Marx, Zuppi....ah..so horrible...and now I heard about Bergoglio's New Year greeting to Ambassadors in Vatican....so terrible....this crazy Old man dose not saying about wrong Ideologies danger!! Like LGBT Ideology, Wrong Abortion!! just saying...Ukraine Peace(of course it's very important!!! but Bergoglio dose not saying about all Persecution area!!!!!)..and climate change, nuclear problems....so so horrible!!!! and this crazy Old man dose not thanks to participated to Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI's funeral ambassadors....so terrible man!!! Bergoglio had a lot of rude action to Benedict XVI!!! really hope we will see Orthodox Pope...fast time...like Muller, Burke, Sarah, Eijk, Erdo....or another Orthodox Cardinal will elect to Pope...so great!!!! just Lord knows....but my opinion....Lord will choose Eminence Cardinal Eijk will be great too!!! be cause he is almost 70 years old....if Lord will choose him...much stay longer possible...and he strongly saying about Gender Ideology's danger....so it's really great Papabili!! Eminence Cardinal Erdo is great too...hmm...we will see...just really hope we can't see another Bergoglio!! much pray to the Lord...please send us to real Pope, Orthodox Pope..fast time!!!! many talking sorry....our Lord Sacred Heart of Jesus blessed always you and all your family...all lovely people...Holy Mary, All Angels and Saints..pray for us...Amen...take care!!^^
Its a lack of respect to the whole church ,the cardinals using the telephone at the funeral ,No wonder the churches are empty