
Vatican Identifies “Youth” With Atheists and Political Extremists

The Swiss Bishops will send three young people to the Roman Pre-Synod taking place in March as a preparation for Pope Francis’ “Youth Synod”, 20min.ch reported. The controversial Pontifical Council …More
The Swiss Bishops will send three young people to the Roman Pre-Synod taking place in March as a preparation for Pope Francis’ “Youth Synod”, 20min.ch reported.
The controversial Pontifical Council for Culture explicitly asked for delegates who were “critical of the Church” and “atheistic”.
One of them is Jonas Feldmann, 25, a non-practicing Catholic who opposes Catholic doctrine and is active in the pro-abortion, pro-gay, anti-family and pro-euthanasia Green party, an extremist leftwing party. He will tell Francis that he does not want to be a member of an institution that “discriminates homosexual love”.
Another delegate is the journalist Sandro Bucher, 25, a member of at least five rabidly anti-Church organizations. Bucher considers the Church an “enemy of progress” and will tell Francis to “undo the damage the Catholic Church is doing”.
The third delegate is Medea Sarbach, 23, a student of theology. She is described as a practicing Catholic. If she meets Francis, she will say to …More
Jorge Cerra
That sample of Swiss Youth is perfect for what they want to justify with the Synod.
33% of the sample will ask for advances in the homosexual love; he wll get them, 33% will be satisfied when the Bishop of Rome will demonstrate that he is very committed to progress, and the remaining 33% of Catholic Youth will say buenos días o buenas tardes.
Is that a real news or is it a grotesque joke? Are they …More
That sample of Swiss Youth is perfect for what they want to justify with the Synod.
33% of the sample will ask for advances in the homosexual love; he wll get them, 33% will be satisfied when the Bishop of Rome will demonstrate that he is very committed to progress, and the remaining 33% of Catholic Youth will say buenos días o buenas tardes.
Is that a real news or is it a grotesque joke? Are they going to use and manipulate the Youth in that indecent way for their own purposes?
It is foreseeable that the Green party and the five anti-church organizations of which the two first delegates are members or activists will be delighted with the results, and perhaps they will even praise the Bishop of Rome.
chiggg shares this
This will be a total scam operation.
The Pope should read Fr Cantalamessa's Lenten Sermon 2018. This Synod is the New protestant reformation.
“The modern world has so cunningly institutionalized ‘change,’ ‘revolution,’ and ‘nonconformity’ that the entire enterprise of liberation is a routine inscribed in the regulations of the prison.”—Nicolás Gómez Dávila
Lord give me strenth
Católicos Apostólicos
Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi "President of the Pontifical Council for Culture" actively participated in the pagan worship of the Pachamama in Argentina ( www.katholisches.info/…/kardinal-ravasi…). Cardinal Takes Part in Pagan Worship rorate-caeli.blogspot.com/…/cardinal-takes-…
Le cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi participe au culte de la déesse païenne "Pacha Mama" He was appointed a member of the …More
Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi "President of the Pontifical Council for Culture" actively participated in the pagan worship of the Pachamama in Argentina ( www.katholisches.info/…/kardinal-ravasi…). Cardinal Takes Part in Pagan Worship rorate-caeli.blogspot.com/…/cardinal-takes-…
Le cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi participe au culte de la déesse païenne "Pacha Mama" He was appointed a member of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments in October 2016
One of the cardinal electors of Bergoglio. Pope Francis’ Dishonesty Unmasked Cardinal Ravasi or the Dean of the Roman Rota, Monsignor Pinto, have since completed their five-year-term and Francis is keeping them them in place.
“Cardinal” Ravasi who sent catholicherald.co.uk/…/cardinal-tweets…, a scandalous and lewd American rock singer whose 1972 hit Walk on the Wild Side contained lyrics that included “taboo topics such as transsexuality, drugs, male prostitution and oral sex” (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walk_on_the_Wil…).
In March 2017, he announced the creation of a Feminine Consultation within he Pontifical Council for Culture, with 37 women chosen from a mix of nationalities, religions, professions, political views, and marital status. He said: "the function of these women is a real function, they are called to express judgments; they have already criticized me on some proposals and have put forward others! For instance, in connection with the forthcoming Plenary Assembly of the dicastery, on neuroscience, artificial intelligence, genetics, robotics, information technology, etc. on all these issues these women have expressed–as scientists and as women–judgments that we would be unable to formulate.
In 2008, he said, "I want to affirm, as an a priori, the compatibility of the theory of evolution with the message of the Bible and the Church's theology
Let me guess, he's going to apologize to these devils and scold the Catholic for being to Catholic. Oh wait, she is a student of the neo-Catholic theology. She will probably be apologizing to the devils as well.
Valiant Woman
Dear God, please save us from these cretins