
Too Late: Francis Called Ukrainian President

Francis called Ukrainian President Vladimir/Volodymyr Zelenski on Saturday, expressing "his deepest sorrow for the tragic events taking place in your country,” the Ukrainian embassy wrote on Twitter.com …More
Francis called Ukrainian President Vladimir/Volodymyr Zelenski on Saturday, expressing "his deepest sorrow for the tragic events taking place in your country,” the Ukrainian embassy wrote on Twitter.com. During years of building up the conflict, Francis, who likes to interfere in politics, had little to say about it.
Among places people are sheltering is Kiev's Catholic cathedral. Catholics in the Ukraine and beyond held prayer gatherings and processions for peace (here in Rome). The article’s picture shows a man praying in front of the crucifix near Lviv cathedral.
Several Twitter-accounts are tracking the weapons involved. Swedish produced Light Anti-tank Weapon allegedly appeared with Ukrainian troops. Germany announced the sending of more Stinger air-defence systems. Russia stopped fighting on Friday afternoon to give room for negotiations in which nobody has been interesting in the past seven years - and still isn't.
On February 25, Mia was born in the Kiev subway where people have …More
Francis had it entirely in his power to prevent this slaughter of the people of Ukraine: - he DID NOT consecrate Russia, specifically by name, to Our Lady's Immaculate Heart as She requested, when he went to the trouble of having the statue of Our Lady of Fatima brought to Rome in October of 2013. Francis merely prayed another prayer of entrustment of the world to Her. This prayer did not fulfill …More
Francis had it entirely in his power to prevent this slaughter of the people of Ukraine: - he DID NOT consecrate Russia, specifically by name, to Our Lady's Immaculate Heart as She requested, when he went to the trouble of having the statue of Our Lady of Fatima brought to Rome in October of 2013. Francis merely prayed another prayer of entrustment of the world to Her. This prayer did not fulfill Her request when prior popes tried it before to dodge Her request - and, as the Ukraine conflict now underscores, Francis' Oct 13, 2013 prayer of entrusting the world, rather than consecrating Russia, continued this disastrous line of papal disobedience.
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Continued this lie :
" Russia has been converted and a period of peace has come! "
Jan Joseph
Het conflict wordt niet beëindigd op het slagveld, maar aan de onderhandelingstafel. Doorgaan met het conflict groter maken betekent, een atoomoorlog op Europees grondgebied. Een atoombom op Europa zal 500.000.000 doden tot direct tot gevolg hebben en 500.000.000 indirect. Ook zal Europa ca. 10.000.000 jaar niet bewoond kunnen worden. Onze politici jagen het volk de dood in en verdwijnen met een …More
Het conflict wordt niet beëindigd op het slagveld, maar aan de onderhandelingstafel. Doorgaan met het conflict groter maken betekent, een atoomoorlog op Europees grondgebied. Een atoombom op Europa zal 500.000.000 doden tot direct tot gevolg hebben en 500.000.000 indirect. Ook zal Europa ca. 10.000.000 jaar niet bewoond kunnen worden. Onze politici jagen het volk de dood in en verdwijnen met een grote zak geld naar een ander werelddeel, de hard werkende arbeider is altijd het slachtoffer.
De Profundis