
German Bishops Protest: We Are “NOT” Nazis

“He who excuses himself, accuses himself.” The German bishops have started a hysterical row against Curia Cardinal Kurt Koch because they believe Koch accused them of being Nazis after Koch told Die-Tagespost.de (September 29):

“It irritates me that new sources of revelation are being accepted alongside Scripture and Tradition; and it frightens me that this is happening - again - in Germany. For this phenomenon already occurred during the National Socialist dictatorship, when the so-called ‘German Christians’ saw God's new revelation in blood and soil and in the rise of Hitler.”

For too evident reasons, presiding German Bätzing immediately threw a tantrum, insinuating that Koch was referring to their Synod, and furiously asking Koch for an apology threatening that if such an apology is not forthcoming, he would rat him out to the “Holy Father.”

Koch answered calmly on De.CatholicNewsAgency.com that "I cannot withdraw my basic statement, simply because I have in no way compared the Synodal Way with Nazi ideology, and I never will."

But any rational explanation was in vain, and, in the meantime, the German oligarchs’ media also have fallen into a Nazi frenzy and are attacking Koch.

The city administration of Schwäbisch Gmünd where Koch is due to give a lecture on October 1 cancelled a scheduled signing of the Golden Book of the City.

It is the normal tactic of the political and religious heresiarchs in Germany to flee from rational arguments into irrational hysteria in order to save their foolishness from objective scrutiny.

Picture: Kurt Koch © mazur, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsBviazshgoe

Wilma Lopez shares this
A bishop demands an apology after a cardinal compared the German synodal way to a Nazi-era Christian sect. What a story.
They are worse: They are apostates
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
They might not be Nazi'z, but they definitly are all HERETICS....INCLUDING THEIR HERO, BERGOGLIO (AKA pOPE fRANCIS)
Sally Dorman
Cardinal Koch: “You know, these Synodaler Weg people sound a bit like Nazis infatuated with the Zeitgeist.”
Synodal People: “Calling us Nazis is offensive! If you come here, we’ll beat you up! You know, like the Nazis did…”
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Even though he is not an orthodox, traditional CAtholic, God Bless Cardinal Koch for speaking the truth. I wish more European and other bishops conferences would shout down the Germans and Belgians and wreck their "Synodal" plans. In doing so they would also wreck the devious and Satanic plans of Pope Francis himself. Notice his garbage pale of a Vatican has not condemned the Belgian Bishops and …More
Even though he is not an orthodox, traditional CAtholic, God Bless Cardinal Koch for speaking the truth. I wish more European and other bishops conferences would shout down the Germans and Belgians and wreck their "Synodal" plans. In doing so they would also wreck the devious and Satanic plans of Pope Francis himself. Notice his garbage pale of a Vatican has not condemned the Belgian Bishops and Germans for their "Blessing" of homo couples.
Clement Jaeho Chung
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori you are right!!! Cardinal Koch had very great opinion... even though he is a not so much Orthodox Cardinal....it's mean Bergoglio and Bergoglian want remove to their Opposition....really Horrible...maybe you heard I guess...wrong Cardinal Mcelroy possible appoint to leadr Bishops Dicastery....if,if he will...I can't imagine...I think it's possible situation...be cause Bergoglio …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori you are right!!! Cardinal Koch had very great opinion... even though he is a not so much Orthodox Cardinal....it's mean Bergoglio and Bergoglian want remove to their Opposition....really Horrible...maybe you heard I guess...wrong Cardinal Mcelroy possible appoint to leadr Bishops Dicastery....if,if he will...I can't imagine...I think it's possible situation...be cause Bergoglio make Catholic church wrong way...just always pray to the Lord..please send us to real Pope,Orthodox Pope Fast time...I think this Synod will be horrible..and make so many destroying...ah...maybe I asked you?? we can't know...but if,if Lord will Choose to Eminence Cardinal Müller..former leader Doctrine of faith....lead to Saint Peter's seat...I think it's really wonderful too...I well don't know about him..but I little know..he is many effort protect to Our Orthodox teachings..I think but mainstream Catholic Media ignore to this effort...just little Orthodox Media saying about Cardinal Muller..I think so he dose not have power...and so many catholic people don't know about him..but Lord knows his everything....if,if Lord choose to him...I am sure..he totally better than Bergoglio!! I am sure...I think he is a great member of papabile...and I told you..you agree....Eminence Cardinal Eijk(Archbishop of Utrecht,Netherlands),Cardinal Erdo(Archbishop of Budapest,Hungary)will be great too....much younger Pope...much longer stay..but if Lord Choose to Eminence Cardinal Muller..I think it's great choice too...do you agree? even though not will elect to Pope..Lord knows Cardinal Muller's everythings..it's much important...I think you agree...but I hope tell this..so tell you..God bless always!!! Holy Mary,All Angels and Saints..pray for us..Amen..take care..always learning a lot about your great opinions....