
Cardinal Calls Defunct Imam “True Believer”

Perugia Cardinal Gualtiero Bassetti, the President of the Italian bishops is in “deep sorrow” for the death of Egypt born Perugia Imam Abdel Mohamed Qader, 72, who died from Covid-19.

“I thank the Lord for letting me meet this brother,” Bassetti wrote on Diocesi.Perugia.it (February 14) calling Qader “a true believer and man of prayer.”

Bassetti explains that for Qader “the real distances between man and man were not those determined by differences in religion and belief, but by the capacity to love," – which suggests that there is little difference between Bassetti’s “religion” and Islam.

The Cardinal asks “Him who is merciful” to give to Abdel “the reward reserved for his righteous.”

Picture: © Diocesi.Perugia.it, #newsItmgsxmcnb

Covid-Kardinal sah die Muttergottes, während er auf der Intensivstation lag – gloria.tv
Auf der Intensivstation sah Bassetti sogar die Muttergottes vom TrostMore
Covid-Kardinal sah die Muttergottes, während er auf der Intensivstation lag – gloria.tv

Auf der Intensivstation sah Bassetti sogar die Muttergottes vom Trost
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GJA Taylor
Clericalism gone mad. So reminiscen tof the eighties when clergymen were falling over themselves to have "ecumenical services" then they eventually noticed they were the only ones there. The faithful just went to Mass instead. These prelates are pathetic really.
sl.news and 9 more users link to this post
“a true believer and man of prayer.” Perhaps the Cardinal is right, from a certain point of view. Many truly believe in the devil and pray to it daily.
Conversion was always an option for the Imam. Maybe the Cardinal should consider it for himself.
Louis IX
I understand wanting what is best for a friend after their death but is it wise for a Cardinal to declare these thoughts publically? (the one’s counter to the Gospel.)