
Cardinal Marx Steps Down As Chairman Of German Bishops - On The Way To Rome?

Munich Cardinal Marx will not be available as a candidate in the next election of the powerful President of the German Bishops' Conference in early March. He wrote in a letter to his fellow bishops …More
Munich Cardinal Marx will not be available as a candidate in the next election of the powerful President of the German Bishops' Conference in early March.
He wrote in a letter to his fellow bishops that he wishes someone younger to succeed him but will continue to “work actively” in the Bishops’ Conference and will stay committed to the Synodal Way.
Marx has been the president since 2014.
German Catholics wonder, wheather Marx is on his way to Rome.
Picture: Reinhard Marx, © Mazur, CC BY-NC-SA, #newsSflimkvbov
J G Tasan
O' Mary, conceived without sin; pray for us, who have recourse to thee!
O' Mary, conceived without sin; pray for us, who have recourse to thee!

Marx begins to feel that he is frying, and as it hurts his feet, he goes away without going away while leaving to better come back to a colleague who will do worse than him! And after that, he will go and do the 400 tricks with the Antichrist with whom he is in full agreement and with whom he will share... but I say no more.
Wolf devouring the sheep
St Michael the Archangel defend us in battle