
German Catholicism: Woman Concelebrates At Midnight Mass (Video)

Dean Albin Krämer, the Retzbach parish-priest, Würzburg diocese, concelebrated Christmas Mass with a female pastoral assistant (video below).

Krämer and the lady took turns reciting a self-knit "eucharistic prayer." He wore a stole and no chasuble, she an alb and cingulum.

The two said that "Jesus became our brother", born of "Mary," whom they described as a "prophetic woman from the people." Krämer is also a canon of Würzburg cathedral.


I've seen a lot of gruesome things in my time online. Anyone remember the bad old days of Ogrish? But I can say truly, this image makes my eyes hurt.
Tony M
Do you think Bergoglio will correct them?? Don't hold your breath!!!
He may have helped them plan to do it!!
Or he might not. If you're imply he has, the burden of proof is on you, muchacho.
I suggest we rename this article; German protestanism : Woman concelebrates midnight service. Things like this come from the counterfeit church
Dr Bobus
Germans are smart and disciplined but also locked into their own ideas (even if they're wrong).
Why do people continue to think that the Germans are smart and disciplined?