
Austrian Bishop Presents Crucified Frog

Innsbruck Bishop Hermann Glettler presents a crucified frog in a 2018 documentary on the alleged Austrian "artist" Christian Eisenberger, 40 (video below).

He calls his Jesus frog “very provocative" feigning that "it is not destined for a wider public” although he displays it salaciously on camera to a wider public.

Glettler got himself into the news with a Jesus Clock, a gym hall eucharist, the slogan "as long as God has a beard, I'm a feminist," and a plastic chasuble.


Benedict Joseph
Observe the glass behind the deluded man...cult and culture are locked in fond embrace. Pitiful.
Jorge Cerra
Are there no people or priests with enough indignation in his dioceses to face this blasphemous idiot?
I would like to welcome everyone into the spiritual chastisement that is in the Fátima 3rd secret... 2019 we are living in it...pray for mercy and the true consecration of Russia the way the Virgin Mary asked for it to be done, not the fake versions that was performed in the past!!!!
aleister Crowley disciples-sign of times
I'd like to know how you know that, Malemp. You're correct, of course, but the fact you're familiar with Thelemic ceremonies is troubling. ;-)
come on... your comments shows who YOU ARE
well i didnt mention thelemic that you and need more knowledge
In the good old days he would be burned at the stake. St Michael defend us in battle.
Gesù è con noi
This sodomite who makes fun of God was invalidly chosen by Bergoglio in 2017
Saint Peter Damian teaches that the Sodomites, having their own body in the service of the devil, declare war against God. Whoever desecrated his own body with the vice of sodomy does not fear to desecrate the Temple of God.More
This sodomite who makes fun of God was invalidly chosen by Bergoglio in 2017

Saint Peter Damian teaches that the Sodomites, having their own body in the service of the devil, declare war against God. Whoever desecrated his own body with the vice of sodomy does not fear to desecrate the Temple of God.
“Kindness is for fools! They want them to be treated with oil, soap, and caresses but they ought to be beaten with fists! In a duel you don’t count or measure the blows, you strike as you can! War is not made with charity, it is a struggle a duel. If Our Lord were not terrible he would not have given an example in this too. See how he treated the Philistines, the sowers of error, the wolves in …More
“Kindness is for fools! They want them to be treated with oil, soap, and caresses but they ought to be beaten with fists! In a duel you don’t count or measure the blows, you strike as you can! War is not made with charity, it is a struggle a duel. If Our Lord were not terrible he would not have given an example in this too. See how he treated the Philistines, the sowers of error, the wolves in sheep’s clothing, the traitors in the temple. He scourged them with whips!”

St. Pius X on modernists
With all reverence and respect for St. Pope Pius X, he was woefully unfamiliar with the function of a duel served in a civilized society. The rules of fair play and priority in modern fencing are a direct outgrowth of the original code duello. We do count and measure the blows. Likewise, as in traditional duels with a Mortal Enemy, we do not stop until he is vanquished.
That is a disgrace even for this priest to show it here .He would not dare to show a similar thing of Mohammed , because he would be afraid of his neck being cut off
Yes this man needs to be Jailed...
I think you need to remove this post in all fairness. We are in passiontide and I think this is blasphemy porn. Nobody needs to be looking at it.
Pray for him, he is guilty of mockery
He needs to be excommunicated!!!