
Traditionis Custodes Dead: Cardinal Burke Celebrates Pontifical Mass in Paris

SosChretiensDOrient.fr celebrated its 10th anniversary on Friday and Saturday with conferences, a big dinner and a solemn Pontifical High Mass celebrated by Cardinal Burke in Paris (video below). St Eugene's was packed with clergy and faithful. In his homily, read in French, Burke spoke of the recently celebrated Name of Our Lady which commemorates the victory of Christianity over the Turks in Vienna in 1683.


Jeffrey Ade
@Credo . It seems as if no one is listening! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
Credo .
@john333. Cardinal Burke has no liking for the SSPX. Saint Peter & Paul was started by Pope John Paul 11 to counter the SSPX, but with the condition that the priest must agree to say the modern mass when required, and to accept all the tenants of Vat.11 - Every one of them.
I was being sarcastic I think Burke owes sspx an apology
So what the difference between you and sspx 🤔
True Mass
Thank you Cardinal Burke. Please Cardinals and Bishops more of this.
😄 Glorious…simply glorious!
…Soon, in Saint Peter’s!…at the Altar of the Chair!
May it be so, Lord…may it be so.😐
Jan Joseph
Prachtig, dit is het nieuwe Rooms Katholieke geloof.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
This is wonderful news and very impressive display of the Catholic Faith. On the other hand, fake Cardinal Pierre pressured Archbishop Gomez and Bishop Vann to cancel the Roman Rite in parishes and push them to gyms, etc.
I've read on a few sites that Bergoglio is ill, or Bergoglio is dying, or that his ponticiate is in its final days. Unfortunatly, I've seen no evidence of that.
This is a tremendous …More
This is wonderful news and very impressive display of the Catholic Faith. On the other hand, fake Cardinal Pierre pressured Archbishop Gomez and Bishop Vann to cancel the Roman Rite in parishes and push them to gyms, etc.
I've read on a few sites that Bergoglio is ill, or Bergoglio is dying, or that his ponticiate is in its final days. Unfortunatly, I've seen no evidence of that.
This is a tremendous expression of the Catholic Faith, the true Faith, and a brave defiance of unjust persecution by a homo loving Pope and his corrupt Vatican. But until I see evidence that Bergoglio is in serious decline, unfortunatly I will have to conclude that the True Mass and Faith is still in danger until he and his goons are gone form the scene.
John Fritz Logan
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Hi Kenjiro. Did you read this recently again? From whom?
Btw, have you signed the petitition calling on bishops to stand against sodomy?
Please, shepherds: Protect your flock, guard the Deposit of Faith, ‘confirm thy brethren’!More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori Hi Kenjiro. Did you read this recently again? From whom?

Btw, have you signed the petitition calling on bishops to stand against sodomy?

Please, shepherds: Protect your flock, guard the Deposit of Faith, ‘confirm thy brethren’!