Donald Trump's Secret Connection to Our Lady of Fatima! Trump: "She is Beautiful! Can I Have Her?" Father Jim Blount explains the special connection between Our Lady of Fatima and President Donald …More
Donald Trump's Secret Connection to Our Lady of Fatima! Trump: "She is Beautiful! Can I Have Her?"

Father Jim Blount explains the special connection between Our Lady of Fatima and President Donald Trump. In light of the near assassination of Donald Trump on June the 13th, this is truly Our Lady of Fatima's protection upon Donald Trump.

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Billy F
All Charity for Modernist Talmudic Zionists and I pray for their conversion every day. I’m not disillusioned as to their hatred of Christ and Catholics anymore though.
I will cautiously vote for Trump in the fall, and I pray for his conversion too. I do not put my faith in Princes of this world though.
‘God would never come to his people through two separate religions. There is only one continuing …More
All Charity for Modernist Talmudic Zionists and I pray for their conversion every day. I’m not disillusioned as to their hatred of Christ and Catholics anymore though.

I will cautiously vote for Trump in the fall, and I pray for his conversion too. I do not put my faith in Princes of this world though.

‘God would never come to his people through two separate religions. There is only one continuing revelation § 839, called Jewish when it was the religion of the Judean people, and Catholic when it was opened to all the world. God changed the names of Abram to Abraham Gen 17:5, Sarai to Sarah, Gen 17:15, Jacob to Israel Gen 32:28 and Simon to Peter Mt 16:18 when their relationship to him changed. As he promised Is 62:2, he has changed the name of his community of faith from Jewish to Catholic when he opened it to all the world. Jesus came to fulfill the Old Covenant Mt 5:17, which remains an everlasting part of salvation history.’

Marty Barrack (Jewish Convert and a good man!)
I guess all the Hebrew hating Catholics are going to vote for dementia Joe or crazy Kenedy b/c Trump supports Israel.
Jeffrey Ade
I can not speak for Hebrew hating Catholics, but is goes against the Catholic Faith to support Israel. Therefore it would not be Catholic to vote for anyone who does support the Israeli state!
Israel is composed of Jewish, Arab Christian and Muslim citizens. Thus, Supporting the citizens of a state that allows Catholics equal citizenship is not against the Catholic Faith.
Jeffrey Ade
@philosopher Israel stands against the Catholic faith. The Israeli State is Zionist and anti Catholic. No Catholic can support it without denying Christ. Saint Pius the Tenth is against Zionism, and any practicing Catholic should be also! God bless!
"Israel is composed of Jewish, Arab Christian and Muslim citizens"
False Israel i.e. the Zionist State in the Holy Land condemned by St. Pius X is the "Nation-State of the Jewish People".
Even wikipedia writes about it: Basic Law: Israel as the Nation-State of the Jewish People - Wikipedia
Stop living propaganda lies.
Maria delos Angeles
The Balfour declaration
Actually, as I've mentioned before I'm neither a Zionist or Palestinian-Islamist. Zionism is a modern socialist ideology started by non-religious Jews. Ideally it would be better for if Israel some day would be a Catholic state but Catholics are too few in number. It's true that the majority of the Israeli state are Jews, but it's present constitution is modeled on the US constitution and provides …More
Actually, as I've mentioned before I'm neither a Zionist or Palestinian-Islamist. Zionism is a modern socialist ideology started by non-religious Jews. Ideally it would be better for if Israel some day would be a Catholic state but Catholics are too few in number. It's true that the majority of the Israeli state are Jews, but it's present constitution is modeled on the US constitution and provides protection of freedom of religion. Both Jewish and Arab Catholics and Muslims who are citizens are all Israelis. The Christian Arabs who serve in the IDF fighting Hamas and Hezbolah are not in the Jewish defence force but in the Israeli Defense Force. Moreover, some of the 2 million Arab Israelis serve in the Israeli Legislative branch of government and also as mayor's of towns. There is nothing in the Israeli constitution that is against Arab Catholic Israeli citizens or the Catholic Faith!
Billy F
The enlightened indifferent Freemason Freedom of Religion is an ideology where they wish The King of kings to be dethroned and brought to the level of buddha, islamic allah, hindu gods, wicca goddesses, and even fallen angels... It creates a pluralistic wonderland where most worship themselves... Psalm 95:4-5
Alas this error of 1789 has crept into the heart of the Church in the 1960s. Most who have …More
The enlightened indifferent Freemason Freedom of Religion is an ideology where they wish The King of kings to be dethroned and brought to the level of buddha, islamic allah, hindu gods, wicca goddesses, and even fallen angels... It creates a pluralistic wonderland where most worship themselves... Psalm 95:4-5

Alas this error of 1789 has crept into the heart of the Church in the 1960s. Most who have grown up and have been programmed by enlightenment democracies in Government scrools will find this hard to hear. It is in the air you breath if you grew up in America. It took me many years for the scales to come off my eyes.
I agree that the absolute freedom of religion is a flawed Enlightenment idea, but there is some subtlety here. Even in a Catholic state where the Kingship of Christ is recognized in its constitution there is a distinction in the freedom of religion that is allowed in a Catholic state, which is not absolute but has limits. A Catholic state is tolerant of non-Catholics who may freely exercise their …More
I agree that the absolute freedom of religion is a flawed Enlightenment idea, but there is some subtlety here. Even in a Catholic state where the Kingship of Christ is recognized in its constitution there is a distinction in the freedom of religion that is allowed in a Catholic state, which is not absolute but has limits. A Catholic state is tolerant of non-Catholics who may freely exercise their practice. The key differences being tolerance and limited in they may not publicly attack or work against the Catholic Church in any capacity. In addition, they are not forced to convert. That's what freedom of religion looks like in a Catholic state - tolerant but limited!
Billy F
And it has been stripped away even in Catholic countries after Vatican II. All that is left is the Enlightenment Devilry Freedom of Religion.
Vivat Christus Rex!!!More
And it has been stripped away even in Catholic countries after Vatican II. All that is left is the Enlightenment Devilry Freedom of Religion.

Vivat Christus Rex!!!
Jeffrey Ade
I think this is all made up. American Catholics are so full of hopium they do not realize the grave danger Trump is to this country. Trump the actor is simply playing a script and the Catholics are taking the bait. Our Lady of Fatima, is the only hope for America and you can be sure Trump is not going to consecrate the US to the Immaculate Heart of Mary! If you think that you have drunk the cool-…More
I think this is all made up. American Catholics are so full of hopium they do not realize the grave danger Trump is to this country. Trump the actor is simply playing a script and the Catholics are taking the bait. Our Lady of Fatima, is the only hope for America and you can be sure Trump is not going to consecrate the US to the Immaculate Heart of Mary! If you think that you have drunk the cool-aid! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
Clement Jaeho Chung
@Jeffrey Ade I totally agree with your great opinion!!!! ..now....so many Orthodox Catholic People, Christian People support to Trump and Republican Party...make me so angry...you told very great opinion....we must, must know about their truth....Trump and Republican Party not strongly against to Biden and now Democrats's agenda...like LGBT Ideologies, indiscrimistion Abortion....they just using to …More
@Jeffrey Ade I totally agree with your great opinion!!!! ..now....so many Orthodox Catholic People, Christian People support to Trump and Republican Party...make me so angry...you told very great opinion....we must, must know about their truth....Trump and Republican Party not strongly against to Biden and now Democrats's agenda...like LGBT Ideologies, indiscrimistion Abortion....they just using to looks like against....and they support wrong zionism too....but so many Trump suppporters ignore it....and I well know...Trump, this man allow Transgender join to Miss universe...and this man allow to wrong vaccine....I can't understand..why, why so many Orthodox Catholic People, Christian People like, support to him...just we believe our Lord Sacred Heart of Jesus....not to human...I think many people forget it....hmm.....wrong Ideologies spread very fast...but I believe Lord's Light...Dark Can't erased to Light...Light must, must remove to dark!!!! many talking sorry...God bless always you and all your family, lovely people...Holy Mary, all Angels and Saints..Pray for us..Amen..take care...I really hope will learning a lot to your great opinion....even though we have difference race, Country, Language...big or small..but all Orthodox Catholic People are one, Holy Catholic Church's family..it's much important!! brother...
I believe totally in your freedoms... but... take the vaccines. It's good. Take the vaccines.
People aren't dying when they take their vaccine.
Juan Perez
Finally a rational comment. Thank you. Trump is a professional wrestler. The magic bullet theory.
Jeffrey Ade
@Juan Perez Thank you for your comment! I love your point about the professional wrestler, Trump! I always admired the skill of these wrestlers but I new it was a stage production! I agree what we are seeing now is a staged production! God bless you!
Jeffrey Ade
@V.R.S. I find many American Catholics to be unaware of Trump's secret behavior. And being aware of his public behavior they still latch on to him as a savior. Little do they know! This is all part of the diabolical disorientation, Our Lady of Fatima, warned Sister Lucia about. It seems as if they want a savior to rescue America so badly they do not see their enemies right before their eyes! God …More
@V.R.S. I find many American Catholics to be unaware of Trump's secret behavior. And being aware of his public behavior they still latch on to him as a savior. Little do they know! This is all part of the diabolical disorientation, Our Lady of Fatima, warned Sister Lucia about. It seems as if they want a savior to rescue America so badly they do not see their enemies right before their eyes! God bless you for your brave comments! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
Juan Perez
They are desesperate for hope. And they put it in a man that is far from being good as a president.
He has also an open connection to the patron-antichrist of the American education:
Maria delos Angeles
Thanks.. no one said he was a saint..; I will have him over Biden though for POTUS
@Maria delos Angeles
There is no evil I prefer.
Maria delos Angeles
Yup, find me someone who is perfect and I will find you Heaven.
@Maria delos Angeles
Between "perfect" and "supporting forces of the anti-christ" there is a huge range of possibilities.
Maria delos Angeles
That is why I abstained the vote here in UK. I knew Labour where going to win. The Tories in no way deserved the vote; and Reform , the only one who had half a chance for a half orthodox voter would not have general widespread support to make the difference. So what does a lady do? Arent ladies supposed to stay at home anyhow?