Israeli lawyers: Jab 'a medical declaration of war against humanity'. Jewish conscientious objectors to the Israeli government's regime of draconian lockdowns and mandatory vaccination are petitioning …More
Israeli lawyers: Jab 'a medical declaration of war against humanity'.
Jewish conscientious objectors to the Israeli government's regime of draconian lockdowns and mandatory vaccination are petitioning Pope Francis to speak out against the dystopian mass medical experiment being conducted on the people of Israel.
"The Jewish people have a collective memory of being experimented [on] by the Nazis, including vaccine trials in the concentration camps," the petitioners warn in a March 15 letter to the pontiff calling for the "immediate suspension of the experimental product."
Published by the Tel Aviv-based legal firm A. Suchovolsky & Co., the petition denounces "the indiscriminate use of [the] COVID-19 vaccine" as "a medical declaration of war against humanity, global stability, national security and the survival of the entire human race."
The 26-page letter, obtained by Church Militant, accuses Israel's Ministry of Health of engaging in a "reckless policy of indiscriminately vaccinating …More