
Christmas Address: Francis Exorcises His Own Shadow

In his December 22 Christmas greetings to the Roman Curia, nostalgic Francis praised the outdated Vatican II as "a great opportunity for conversion [= secularisation] for the whole Church" and an attempt to make the Gospel "current, alive, operative in this historical moment [of the 1960s]."

The disgraced Cardinal Angelo Becciu was present (video below). Francis pretended that the "current reflection on the Church's synodality [= Roman centralism] stems from the conviction that the path of understanding Christ's message is never-ending and continually challenges us." Synodalism, however, is an old heresy.

He railed against those who adhere to "fixation," that is, "the error of trying to crystallise the message of Jesus into a form [= 1960s] that is always valid." The same Francis who insists that the Novus Ordo is the only form now claims that "the form must always be able to change."

For him, true heresy consists not only in preaching a different Gospel, "but also in ceasing to translate it into current languages and forms." Socialism, National-Socialism, and Green-Socialism were also the "current languages and ways" of their time.

Rigid Francis referred to the Jansenist Abbey of Port-Royal, France: "They had cast out the devil, but he returned seven times stronger and, under the guise of austerity and rigour, he had brought rigidity and the presumption of being better than others" - just as rigid Francis did in his Christmas address.


Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@Wilma Lopez -Jacqueline-Marie-Angelique Arnauld, know in religion as Mere Angelique, S.O. Cist.(Cistercians), 1591-1661) was a Cistercian abbess of the French Abbaye du Port Royal which was founded as a Cistercian monastery of nuns. When she entered it in 1601 it was very lax in observance. In 1608, she had an inspiration after she was named Abbess to reform her monastery and make it more observant …More
@Wilma Lopez -Jacqueline-Marie-Angelique Arnauld, know in religion as Mere Angelique, S.O. Cist.(Cistercians), 1591-1661) was a Cistercian abbess of the French Abbaye du Port Royal which was founded as a Cistercian monastery of nuns. When she entered it in 1601 it was very lax in observance. In 1608, she had an inspiration after she was named Abbess to reform her monastery and make it more observant. She was friends with St.Francis de Sales. UNfortunatly, she in later life was influenced by Jansenism, which was first condemned by Jesuits, and then by the VAtican. Port Royal was persecuted because it was seen as a center of Jansenism. She died in 1661 and was succeeded as abbess by her sister, Mere Agnes Arnauld (1593-1672) who implemented "reforms" in good faith of her monastery which unfortunatly were basically Jansenist. She also refused to sign a document called the Formulary of Alexander VII which the Pope required of her monastery to renounce Jansenism. Because she and her monastery refused, Port Royal was persecuted and supressed by the Vatican. Look Mere Angelique up on the Internet. The habit these nuns had adopted was unique and beautiful among the Cistercians. There are still 1-2 Cistercian monasteries on nuns in France that wear this distinctive habit, rather than the usuall white Cistercian habit with black scapular.
Malki Tzedek
Perhaps it's just me but the photo seems a bit blurry. Must be the all that 'smoke from satan' they haven't been able to clear since Pope Paul VI's tenure.
Wilma Lopez
Francis when speaking about the Jansenist mentioned "Mother Angelica", a charismatic leader whose work become the “soul of the Jansenist resistance". Is this a hint to Mother Angelica and EWTN?
Maybe (Freudian slip?), however Mother Angélique Arnauld, abbess of the convent of Port-Royal-des-Champs was a leading proponent of Jansenism.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Very unenthusiastic applause the Cardinals and Curia gave to Bergoglio.......none as he entered feebly with his cane, and very tepid applause after his speech. Except for his homo gang, Francis isn't liked in the Curia it seems. Good riddance.
Clement Jaeho Chung
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori it's means many, many Cardinals are against to Bergoglio???? I really hope....Eminence Cardinal Duka(Former Archbishop of Praha, Czech) get to retrie...Bergoglio will finish....and if no this time....lately..I really hope my former Archbishop...Archbishop of Seoul...before Cardinal Andrew turns 80(December 5 birthday)...Bergoglio time's gone...if..if this time Bergoglio not …More
@Kenjiro M. Yoshimori it's means many, many Cardinals are against to Bergoglio???? I really hope....Eminence Cardinal Duka(Former Archbishop of Praha, Czech) get to retrie...Bergoglio will finish....and if no this time....lately..I really hope my former Archbishop...Archbishop of Seoul...before Cardinal Andrew turns 80(December 5 birthday)...Bergoglio time's gone...if..if this time Bergoglio not finish...hmm....I think we preparing to Underground Church time....I am sure...if Bergoglio much staying longer...Holy Catholic church totally Gone!! totally difference than like Pope John Paul II, Benedict XVI's Church too!!! Bergoglio make Catholic church to SJW, PC, Globalist's Church..I can't thinking it....I always pray to the Lord..please send to us Orthodox Pope...fast time...We can't see the this horrible old man...Holy Ghost..please help to us...much pray..but these day...so hard....I know..Lord's light must win....but going to victory...very hard....even though I have so many sins..many faults...but I much pray..I follow to Martyrs way too....if...if...Bergoglio will much staying longer...so Holy Church changing...we are going to underground Church..and pray with some Orthodox Cardinals,Bishops...like Cardinal Muller, Eijk, Sarah, Erdo, Burke.....very sorrow....many talking sorry..but I am very angry Bergoglio will much staying longer to Papacy.....really hope many Orthodox Cardinals, Bishops are saying loudly.....stop to this Crazy Old Man's Actions...I remember...your opinion....you said...Many Cardinals, Bishops are worry about Bergoglio....but I think now so silence...this time..silence agree with Bergoglio....we need to Actions...many talking sorry...God bless always you and all your family..Holy Mary, All Angels and Saints..pray for us..Amen....and Happy Merry Christmas, Happy New Year!! Kenjiro!! really happy see your great opinions..it's Lord's huge gift too!!!!
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
@Clement Jaeho Chung --Happy Christmas and New Year to you too! I always like reading your posts. You have great Faith. I hope your prayers for the Church are all answered soon. Francis being forced to resign in 2023 would be great.
Logic much?😂
De Profundis
An old slander against traditionalists is that their ranks are full of Jansenists.
Dr Bobus
I would be more interested in Francis' valediction.
De Profundis
Jesuits still fighting Jansenists - while they are worse today than the latter ever have been.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Fortunatly for the Church, the Jesuits are dying out. Now below 2,000 in the USA.....over 10,000+ in USA before Vatican II. Even in India, they are going down. Declining everywhere. Some places, nearly extinct (Canada, England/Ireland). Good riddance. Hope they go down quicker. The faster the better.