
Vatican Christmas Stamps: At Least Not Sexual Nor Pagan

The Vatican has issued two Christmas stamps in the style of naïve art, a pious form of expression abhorred by the Vatican's secularised rulers.

The depictions were likely not chosen for artistic reasons, but to exploit the fact that the painter Francesco Canale is disabled. He was born without arms and legs and is obviously well connected, as his paintings have made it to the Vatican. He paints by holding the brush between his teeth.

One stamp shows an angel announcing the birth of Christ to a shepherd and the other a shepherd adoring the baby Jesus.


Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I admire the handicapped person who painted these pictures, but they are ugly. Why not just use paintings of the traditional Masters of Art, like Fra Angelico for instance...my personal favorite.
Hound of Heaven
Grotesque. They unsettle the spirit rather than ennoble and inspire.
Not sexual? Of course not! There’s nothing wrong with a naked boy and a man being presented together
To avoid being too obvious, they didn't make a nudist stamp with only the boy and the angel together! @Orthocat @V.R.S.
Not very beautiful... but that's the point. The virtue-signaling of having a handicapped... er, disabled... er, whatever the new "woke" term is, painting them is more important.
I see a meme potential here. Generation Y (Yuval) will love them.
The stamp on the right : I can't recall ever having seen a tall angel topless (and who knows maybe more nakedness is implied). We have seen a lot of nudity in recent years. By the way, do you know Paglian art?
The stamp on the left: this obese 12 months old baby doesn't inspire me anything related to our religion, I just want to look away. Also, his complete nudity doesn't sit well with me, especially …More
The stamp on the right : I can't recall ever having seen a tall angel topless (and who knows maybe more nakedness is implied). We have seen a lot of nudity in recent years. By the way, do you know Paglian art?

The stamp on the left: this obese 12 months old baby doesn't inspire me anything related to our religion, I just want to look away. Also, his complete nudity doesn't sit well with me, especially coming from the Vatican homosexualist club. Furthermore, do I need to specify the discordance between the aspect of the baby and the time of the shepherds' presence?
Wichita Knight
"We have seen a lot of nudity in recent years." You mean, like the Sistine Chapel before later popes had painters cover up all the naughty bits?
"I can't recall ever having seen a tall angel topless" Well, perhaps not the Seraphim, but the Cherubim are notorious for it.More
"We have seen a lot of nudity in recent years." You mean, like the Sistine Chapel before later popes had painters cover up all the naughty bits?

"I can't recall ever having seen a tall angel topless" Well, perhaps not the Seraphim, but the Cherubim are notorious for it.
@Wichita Knight No, I don't think about the Sistine. This was more than 480 years ago, so not ''recent''. I had in mind the 2017 Vatican Nativity scene, the false goddess Pachamama etc. Also, when I wrote ''tall angel'' I meant normal adult size like on the stamp rather than midget size.
Anyhow, I never had that in my surrounding and, I am not looking for homosexual artists, neither Michelangelo …More
@Wichita Knight No, I don't think about the Sistine. This was more than 480 years ago, so not ''recent''. I had in mind the 2017 Vatican Nativity scene, the false goddess Pachamama etc. Also, when I wrote ''tall angel'' I meant normal adult size like on the stamp rather than midget size.

Anyhow, I never had that in my surrounding and, I am not looking for homosexual artists, neither Michelangelo nor any others. I am not like the weak-minded people who do not have the lucidity nor the intention to remove innapropriate stuff from places of worship and from any work related to religion.
Wilma Lopez
Paul VI Audience Hall has already this kind of "art"
Cath intruth
Paul VI Audience Hall is a horror!
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
I always hated that sculpture. My family and I were there. Even though we were not up real close, it's worse in person than just a photo. It looks like someone coming out of the flames.
Are they mocking us with this TRASH?
Obviously, the one on the left holds one of famous Vatican II time bombs.
Wichita Knight
I thought it was the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch.
Kenjiro M. Yoshimori
Does anyone remember the huge outrage afew years ago when Francis and company tried to but an obviously pro-homo Nativity scene up in St. Peter's....where there were at least 3 nearly naked statues of guys as part of the Nativity set. That was worse than this.