Gloria.TV News on the 30th of March 2017 By Autumn: The blog Anonimi della Croce writes that Pope Francis will introduce, by autumn, married priests. According to the blog, Francis will publish an …More
Gloria.TV News on the 30th of March 2017
By Autumn: The blog Anonimi della Croce writes that Pope Francis will introduce, by autumn, married priests. According to the blog, Francis will publish an ambiguous "pastoral letter" in the style of Amoris Laetitia that will open the door for married priests. It will regard the whole world and not only some mission territories.
Rare Cordiality: Pope Francis wrote a letter to Bishop Héctor Aguer of La Plata, Argentina, on the occasion of Aguer's 25th Anniversary as a bishop. Unlike Bergoglio, Aguer has always been a courageous Catholic. He became an historical opponent of Cardinal Bergoglio. Pope Francis is not known for being nice to those he perceives as his adversaries. At a time, Aguer and Bergoglio were both auxiliary bishops in Buenos Aires.
Anti-Church Homosexualist: On March 24, Pope Francis received 27 EU heads of government. Among them was Luxembourg Prime Minister Xavier Bettel together with his homosex partner. Bettel wrote on Twitter …More
"False prophets are recognized by their bad fruits...!" (Matthew 7,13-17)
The leaders of the European Union and the Roman officials are staring into the abyss, not Europe.
There is no European Union without Britain. Now the EU cycle has passed its noon, sunset begins. This does not mean that it has already occurred. People who understand the trend are definitely not calmed by the reassurance that …More
"False prophets are recognized by their bad fruits...!" (Matthew 7,13-17)
The leaders of the European Union and the Roman officials are staring into the abyss, not Europe.
There is no European Union without Britain. Now the EU cycle has passed its noon, sunset begins. This does not mean that it has already occurred. People who understand the trend are definitely not calmed by the reassurance that nothing bad is happening - it can still be fixed.
But those who understand the trends, they know that it happened and are already thinking on this basis. For analysts that are forecasting on a global scale, the EU is over. And it is irreversible. The British cannot re-vote. The critical point of Europe’s decay has passed.
An in depth historical-canonic study of abdications [Renuntiatio Papae]in the past which Cardinal Brandmuller reflected upon, without further actions to solve the unprecedented case of "twoheaded pope" in Church history, could be the clue in solving the present crisis and understanding of Francis' extraordinary "achievements and plans" never before witnessed in Church history. There were never two …More
An in depth historical-canonic study of abdications [Renuntiatio Papae]in the past which Cardinal Brandmuller reflected upon, without further actions to solve the unprecedented case of "twoheaded pope" in Church history, could be the clue in solving the present crisis and understanding of Francis' extraordinary "achievements and plans" never before witnessed in Church history. There were never two coexisting licit popes.
"...will open the door for married priests. "
Holy Cannoli
Opportunistic Cowardice: Vienna's liberal Cardinal Schönborn is no hero to the traditional Catholic faith. However, shockingly, in Sept. 2016 in his homily at St Stephen’s Cathedral he said: “"Will there be an Islamic conquest of Europe? Many Muslims want that and say: Europe is at the end."
The Cardinal finally told the truth and should have stopped after that comment. He didn't. 🤫
Later, …More
Opportunistic Cowardice: Vienna's liberal Cardinal Schönborn is no hero to the traditional Catholic faith. However, shockingly, in Sept. 2016 in his homily at St Stephen’s Cathedral he said: “"Will there be an Islamic conquest of Europe? Many Muslims want that and say: Europe is at the end."

The Cardinal finally told the truth and should have stopped after that comment. He didn't. 🤫

Later, undoubtedly feeling the pressure from both within the Church (the Vatican?) and the world's press, Schönborn walked his comment back and said: “Europe’s Christian legacy is in danger, because we Europeans have squandered it. That has absolutely nothing to do with Islam nor with the refugees. It is clear that many Islamists would like to take advantage of our weakness, but they are not responsible for it. We are.” 🤦

You see the chaos, crime, rape, mass murders and mayhem perpetrated by invaders who desire the conquest of the infidel “have nothing to do with Islam nor with the refugees.” No? Of course not. 🤦

So then, for the cardinal whose fault is it that such violent terrorism and growing lawlessness is occurring on the European continent. His answer is simple. “We are.” 🤦

One could hope that by "we are" the cardinal was referring to the abysmal failure of the Catholic hierarchy to preach and teach the Catholic faith to a decadent culture made decadent by the Catholic Church's failures and dereliction. One could hope that but I doubt that's what he meant. 🚬