
Unhuman Irish Pro-Abortion Minister Presides Catholic Sunday Service

The Irish Culture Minister Josepha Madigan, who was at the forefront of the campaign to legalise baby killing by abortion, presided last Saturday evening over a liturgy of the word at Saint Teresa in …More
The Irish Culture Minister Josepha Madigan, who was at the forefront of the campaign to legalise baby killing by abortion, presided last Saturday evening over a liturgy of the word at Saint Teresa in Mount Merrion, Dublin.
Mrs Madigan is a reader in this parish. Last Saturday she decided with two other lay-persons to take over after the priest, assigned to say Mass, did not show up.
She addressed several hundred people from the altar and read parts of Holy Mass leaving out the gospel and consecration. According to independent.ie (June 25), Madigan "said Mass".
Holy Communion was distributed from the tabernacle.
Talking to RTE on Monday, Madigan called for the ordination of women.
During her campaign in favour of killing unborn human beings, Madigan called respecting the rights of unborn children “barbaric”.
Picture: Josepha Madigan, © Press, #newsRdnsjfvuqw
If Francis won't have a medal for her, you can be sure he'll be friendly to her. While not an abortionist like his friend and fellow leftist Emma Bonino, this level of sacrilege likely has Francis delerious with happiness.
Utter confusion and apostasy. Go Vatican II!