
Vatican Dissolves Another Cassock Community

Cardinal Aviz' Congregation for Religious dissolved the Discepoli dell’Annunciazione (Disciples of the Annunciation) last December. The group, charismatic neoconservatives in cassocks, unconditionally …More
Cardinal Aviz' Congregation for Religious dissolved the Discepoli dell’Annunciazione (Disciples of the Annunciation) last December.
The group, charismatic neoconservatives in cassocks, unconditionally devoted to Francis, was founded ten years ago by Father Giglio Gilioli, 73, and recognised as a "public association of the faithful” in Prato, Italy.
After a Diocesan Visitation in 2013, the group suffered an 2018 Apostolic Visitation which broke their neck.
The reasons for the dissolution were “deficiencies in the exercise of authority”, “distrust and detachment towards diocesan authority,” and the “style of government of the founder.”
Only after the dissolution, the founder and eight members were accused of sexual abuses against two boys. Police searched their houses in recent days.
According to sources talking to Gloria.tv, the accusations originate from a family that received much help from the Discepoli but turned against them when they weren't able anymore to continue supporting them. …More
comfort ye
They were in an eminently vulnerable position, being only of that diocese, and in Italy.
St Michael the Archangel cast into hell the wolves destroying the Church
Francis is horrifyingly evil.
Thors Catholic Hammer
Francis is horrifyingly evil
Is it rational therefore for any sincere catholic to recognize him as the Vicar of Christ?More
Francis is horrifyingly evil

Is it rational therefore for any sincere catholic to recognize him as the Vicar of Christ?
No. Not to me. I cannot recognize him as anything other than a Judas/usurper. I find it amazing and discouraging that bishops and cardinals are too cowardly to drive him out with pitchforks.
Rationality implies reason, @Thors Catholic Hammer That is not a subject on which you are capable of rendering judgement. :D
Repeating "Francis is an anti-pope and he's been excommunicated" (which he hasn't) on practically every last comments section is not reason. It's demagoguery and Argumentum Ad Nauseam. Nothing more.
A sincere Catholic must tread cautiously when deciding they're just going …More
Rationality implies reason, @Thors Catholic Hammer That is not a subject on which you are capable of rendering judgement. :D

Repeating "Francis is an anti-pope and he's been excommunicated" (which he hasn't) on practically every last comments section is not reason. It's demagoguery and Argumentum Ad Nauseam. Nothing more.

A sincere Catholic must tread cautiously when deciding they're just going to stop "recognizing" Church leaders. Martin Luther would love a guy like you.

Recognizing a Pope and following him into hell are two different things. Someday, with a great deal hard work from some very patient teachers, you might even understand that.
Thors Catholic Hammer
To rationally recognize Francis as a valid pope would mean accepting his magisterium that now permits sacriligious Holy Communion.
The false teaching is enshrined in his Amoris Laetitiae Chap 8 which you seem never to have heard of before.
The Council of Trent excommunicates anybody who promotes sacriligious Holy Communion.
Francis is therefore excommunicated for formal heresy.
He is not a pope …More
To rationally recognize Francis as a valid pope would mean accepting his magisterium that now permits sacriligious Holy Communion.

The false teaching is enshrined in his Amoris Laetitiae Chap 8 which you seem never to have heard of before.
The Council of Trent excommunicates anybody who promotes sacriligious Holy Communion.
Francis is therefore excommunicated for formal heresy.

He is not a pope now even if he ever was one in the past which is doubtful anyway.

Neither you or Francis care about the grave sin of sacrilege because neither of you are catholics.
Both your contempt for the 6th commandment is self evident.
"To rationally recognize Francis as a valid pope would mean accepting his magisterium that now permits sacriligious Holy Communion."
That's a Fallacy of Composition Thors Catholic Hammer . The former does not require the latter. As evidenced by numerous Cardinals/ Bishops/ Priests who acknowledge the former while strenuously contesting the latter.
Your Fallacy Is:More
"To rationally recognize Francis as a valid pope would mean accepting his magisterium that now permits sacriligious Holy Communion."

That's a Fallacy of Composition Thors Catholic Hammer . The former does not require the latter. As evidenced by numerous Cardinals/ Bishops/ Priests who acknowledge the former while strenuously contesting the latter.

Your Fallacy Is:
Thors Catholic Hammer
Catholics worldwide are being requested to ask God to remove immediately the now excommunicated priest Fr.Jorge Bergolio SJ from every ecclesiastical office.