
Francis: The Zairean Rite Is "Promising Model" For Amazon Liturgy

The Libreria Editrice Vaticana published “Papa Francesco e il «Messale Romano per le Diocesi dello Zaire». Un rito promettente per altre culture” (“Pope Francis and the ‘Roman Missal for the Dioceses of Zaire.’ A Promising Rite for Other Cultures”).

Its preface is by Francis. He shows a highly emotional and diffuse understanding of the liturgy, calling it “something that touches the soul, the thought, the sensitivity, the cultural world of people.”

For Francis “the liturgy must touch the hearts” and “be evocative,” a postulate, contrasting with his own dry celebrations.

The Zairean rite represents a promising example and path for the development of an Amazonian-rite liturgy, he wrote.


Not our religion
@Child of Our Lady ...since rice-Christian South American "Catholics" no longer wish to even pretend they've been converted. :/
Louis IX
The Tridentine Mass is just fine. They should give it a try in the Amazon.
Child of Our Lady
Since when is idolatry ok?