
Father Rutler "Watched Homosexual Porn" While Security Guard Was Next to Him

Father George Rutler, 75, allegedly watched homosexual pornography on November 4, at 1.10 AM in his office, according to Manuel Gomez, a private detective working for Ashley Gonzalez, 22, who allegedly filmed the scene.

Gomez told CatholicNewsAgency.com (December 1) that Gonzalez was working on November 4 the second night for Rutler's parish as a security guard. Between walking her rounds she was sitting in the parish office.

According to her, Rutler entered the office around 1:15 AM while she was texting her mother. He greeted Gonzalez, sat down at his computer and checked the ongoing General Election results.

Gonzalez then claims that Rutler started – despite her being in the room - to watch a homosexual pornographic video. She claims she filmed Rutler with her cellphone as he did so.

CatholicNewsAgency.com obtained the original video. It confirmed that the man on the video is watching homosexual pornography but it was unclear whether this was Rutler. Gonzalez claims that Rutler after realising that she filmed him slammed the door shut and grabbed her chest, breaking her fingernail, before she could escaped from the office.

Then, she sent a text message to her mother telling her that she felt unsafe and had almost been “raped”. At 2.45 AM she contacted the private detective Gomez.

Rutler denied in a November 20 letter that he “improperly touched” Gonzalez, but has offered to “step aside” from all his public activity while civil authorities conduct their investigation. He wants his parishioners to “ignore any misleading accounts should they appear in the media” but didn't deny having watched homosexual pornography.

CatholicNewsAgency.com contacted him to discuss the allegations, but did not receive a response.

Ultraviolet and one more user link to this post
A man who enjoys homosexual pornography almost certainly won't be interested in groping an overweight, purple-haired Latina "security guard" the way she claimed. Further, why wasn't she out doing her assigned job, namely patrolling the grounds? If the priest was in his office, then she had no business spying on him or recording him without his consent. What he was doing was morally wrong. What …More
A man who enjoys homosexual pornography almost certainly won't be interested in groping an overweight, purple-haired Latina "security guard" the way she claimed. Further, why wasn't she out doing her assigned job, namely patrolling the grounds? If the priest was in his office, then she had no business spying on him or recording him without his consent. What he was doing was morally wrong. What she was doing is legally wrong.
Hound of Heaven
Point well made, and taken. Very sad.
Louis IX
Looks like a mannequin or crash test dummy in the picture.
Here is more
In a Nov. 20 letter to his parish, Fr. Rutler denied that he “improperly touched” Gonzalez, but said he has offered to “step aside at this moment from my duties” while authorities conduct their investigation.
Is he the one on the picture?More
Here is more
In a Nov. 20 letter to his parish, Fr. Rutler denied that he “improperly touched” Gonzalez, but said he has offered to “step aside at this moment from my duties” while authorities conduct their investigation.

Is he the one on the picture?
'Turn back, you sinners, and do right before Him; who knows if He will accept you and have mercy on you.' (Tobit 13:6)