
Cardinal Sarah: “Francis Is a Man of Prayer”

Cardinal Robert Sarah has given an interview to LeFigaro.fr (July 1) about his new Catechism of the Spiritual Life (Fayard). Highlights.

• I wrote this book during the confinement. I was struck by the fact that the life of the body was being taken care of, but the soul was being left to die.

• Did you know that during the lockdown, the word "prayer" was one of the most searched words on Google?

• The sacraments have been turned into purely external ceremonies.

• We spend too much time talking about the structures of the Church. No one is interested in that!

• But do priests and bishops talk enough about what is at stake in this spiritual life?

• You come to a priest because you are looking for God, not because you want to save the planet.

• The Church is there to help the seekers of God. That is its only purpose.

• I believe that Pope Francis is a man of prayer.

• I am not worried about the future of the Church

• I am concerned for the souls deprived of the interior life and the truth that liberates. These souls suffer and are in danger.

Picture: Robert Sarah © Lawrence OP, CC BY-NC-ND, #newsPfjsrfyntm

Father D. Joseph Waugh
A Bergolio boot licker. Perhaps the biggest disappointment of all of them.
Sally Dorman shares this
Cardinal Sarah: "We Seek a Priest Because We Seek God, not Because We Want to Save the Planet"
John A Cassani
This is a step forward. He needs to go further though, and say the truth which becomes more evident every day. “Saving the planet” entails mass murder on a scale we’ve not yet seen, and the Church must stand against it.
man of prayer ??? by their fruits you will know them (Mt 7:15.......... fruits = actions. "...Steps..." ???? we need leaps of courage. Check out Luke 5:1-11 Put out into the deep No wonder the media and 'professional' catholics talk of Sarah as papabile.
Paul Mclenson
If that is true then why all the heresies your Eminence? 🤔
Sad that Cardinal Sarah has become so flaky. He was once a source of hope in the sewer that is the Vatican.
Jeffrey Ade
Yes Man par excellence. SARAH is a monster with kid gloves. Weak, at the same time talks out of both sides of his mouth. Determined to stay on top as the ship sinks....
Live Mike
Yes, Your Eminence... but to which god are you referring?
Cassandra Laments
Agreed. There's one thing to be said, though. Every time I think things can't get any worse, at least in regards to the clergy and their antics, another one surprises us with his wisdom or about turn. I think this is the second surprise which Cardinal Sarah has given me lately.
GJA Taylor
This statement from Card. Sarah that Francis is a man of prayer? Is this the same man who gave a Papal Medal to the notorious Italian Abortionist and publicly called her one of Italy's "greats"?
Sorry, your Eminence, that does not make any sense at all.
I pray that Our Lord grants this man on St. Peter's Chair a Pauline Conversion before he dies.