
Viganò: “For Fear of a Seasonal Flue”

The last months were “one of the darkest moments in the history of mankind,” Archbishop Viganò writes in a meditation published on AldoMariaValli.it (December 15),

For the first time since Christ’s birth, the Holy Keys were used to close churches and restrict the celebration of the Sacraments, “almost anticipating the abolition of the Daily Sacrifice prophesied by Daniel, which will take place during the reign of the Antichrist."

Our bishops and priests, barricaded themselves in their palaces and presbyteries “for fear of a seasonal flu” and surrendered to an absurd “pseudo-pandemic,” Viganò explains.

With “cynical legalism,” priests were forbidden to listen to confessions and to impart the Last Rites.

For Viganò there is a rift between the hierarchy and the faithful who remain alone “in the face of the arrogance of heretical and vicious prelates.”

However, in front of "this accursed New World Order" which prepares "the reign of the Antichrist," Christians can take refuge to Christ the King, “The Lord will give us victory.”


Archbishop Vigano always has the right words at the right time. Thank God that He has given us a stand-in Pope in the person of the Archbishop.
There is no "true pope" because there is no "false pope".@Rafal_Ovile. Whether we agree with the pope's statements is another matter. I, personally, consistenty do not, but that doesn't change the man's valid claim to the papacy.
ORLY? The only "willful blindness of those who claim to be Catholic" is among those who both ignore Canon Law and, even if that's too complicated for them to grasp, the repeated insistance of Benedict that, yes, he resigned. When it comes to logic and truth, neither are on your side.
You may accuse others of "willful blindness" but I can guarantee you on GTV you will lose any factually-based debate …More
ORLY? The only "willful blindness of those who claim to be Catholic" is among those who both ignore Canon Law and, even if that's too complicated for them to grasp, the repeated insistance of Benedict that, yes, he resigned. When it comes to logic and truth, neither are on your side.

You may accuse others of "willful blindness" but I can guarantee you on GTV you will lose any factually-based debate with me regarding the validity of Francis' papacy or Benedict's resignation.

Yet... I hear great stygian wings beating in the distance heading towards this post and I suspect you won't be around long enough to end up looking silly.
Well, who reigns now other than the spirit of anitichrist? Considering universal success of false operation Covid-19, with end to Great Reset the poor and enrich the powerful, implemented without significant authoritative resistance, other than the true pope's echo in the person of Abp Vigano and few scientists...
C'mon... compared to centuries of Catholic /Protestant wars in Europe? The Plagues of the Middle Ages? Or WW1, WW2? Yeah, no.
Never been Pachamama Idol Worship in the Vatican during all those times -- so what we have now is qualitatively different and "new" (Akita Seer's Angel she said indicated the massive chastisements are now on...) -- and things are just getting warmed up so I wouldn't be so smug-- give it till 2024 and lets see if you think things are so great in "comparison" by then-- compare today to 2 years ago -…More
Never been Pachamama Idol Worship in the Vatican during all those times -- so what we have now is qualitatively different and "new" (Akita Seer's Angel she said indicated the massive chastisements are now on...) -- and things are just getting warmed up so I wouldn't be so smug-- give it till 2024 and lets see if you think things are so great in "comparison" by then-- compare today to 2 years ago -- if it goes to Hell at the same rate or worse we may be well into Famine -- 200 Million are right now face starvation (not in your neighborhood so you don't care) according to the UN due to the lunatic lockdowns -- these people probably don't find your comparison analogy so convincing?
"so what we have now is qualitatively different and "new" "
...irrelevant to Archbishop Vigano's claim. Something can be, as you state , qualitatively different and 'new' and yet still be far less compared to something that has happened before it. Difference and newness does not make something worse.
Case in point. The bombing of Hiroshima (Aug. 6 1945) saw the use of a qualitatively different and …More
"so what we have now is qualitatively different and "new" "

...irrelevant to Archbishop Vigano's claim. Something can be, as you state , qualitatively different and 'new' and yet still be far less compared to something that has happened before it. Difference and newness does not make something worse.

Case in point. The bombing of Hiroshima (Aug. 6 1945) saw the use of a qualitatively different and new time of bomb: an atomic one. Yet the bombing of Tokyo in Operation Meetinghouse (Mar.9-10 1945) used conventional weapons and it is still recognized as the single most destructive air attack in history.

Different and new doesn't always mean worse. The same applies to the current Pontiff.

As for Pachamama, you should familiarize yourself with Papal history. Pope Julius III makes Francis look like a mild eccentric.

"Akita Seer's Angel she said indicated the massive chastisements are now on..."

No, it didn't. Further, that's your interpretation and, if I recall correctly, the heavens are supposed to rain fire etc. You see any fireballs? No? Then there's your answer.

More people died in the 1918 Flu epidemic than have from Covid, at least fifty times more, and that's allowing for the rampant and massive over-reporting of "covid-related" deaths. So, no, this isn't a massive chastisement.

"...and things are just getting warmed up so I wouldn't be so smug."

Zero evidence things are "just getting warmed up" i.e. getting worse. Things are as stupid as they've ever been. Covid isn't "getting worse" or more contagious.

I'm smug because
1.) I'm correct and Francis' critics are not
2.) I can back 1.) up with history and Francis' critics can not
3.) people who try to shoe-horn vague prophecies to fit current events end up looking silly

"give it till 2024 and lets see if you think things are so great in "comparison" by then.

Maybe you should give that advice to Archbishop Vigano. ;-)

Since Archbishop Vigano is discussing the present situation, so am I. The facts don't support his claim or your defense of it.

"200 Million are right now face starvation (not in your neighborhood so you don't care) according to the UN due to the lunatic lockdowns"

According to estimates by the UN and facing starvation is not the same as actualy starving. People aren't eating stray dogs and cats and the already-dead. That's what happens when people are truly "facing starvation". Again, you betray a shocking ignorance of world history. The 20th century saw what people "facing starvation" do during the deliberate famine in the Ukraine and siege of Stalingrad.

Now then, since you've criticized me for a supposed lack of caring, let's take a look at you.

Serious question:

Could you stand before the Almighty God and say, with your salvation forfeit against a lie, you match every dollar you spend eating out with an equal donation to fighting world hunger? Including all the quick stops at 7-11,Dunkins, and Starbucks? All the snacks that slip into shopping carriage when you're buying the week's "essential groceries"

What about your phone-plan? And your home-entertainment subscriptions?

INB4 you give me some excuse how every instance of your self-indulgence is somehow a necessity.

It's a pity we can't publicly tally up all the non-essentials you spend on yourself and your family and compare them against. your charitable donations to fight world starvation,

I'm certain that casually flung, "so you don't care" would brand you the worst sort of hypocrite.