
Ex-Homosexual Voris Becomes Victim of His Hatred: Smears Catholic Group Founded By Holocaust Survivor

ChurchMilitant.com's Michael Voris hatred against the Society of Saint Pius X (SSPX) equals the hatred of the oligarch and pro-gay media.

On August 12, Voris was asked on social media to whom PiusX Bishop Bernard Fellay is accountable. Voris, unable to control his hatred, bellowed like Hitler: “the Nazi Party Headquarters.” He called the PiusX faithful “Nazi Pedophile followers.”

Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre is a holocaust survivor. His father René was beaten to death in the National Socialist concentration camp Sonnenburg on 4 March 1944. His body was never recovered. It's not uncommon that modern-day Nazis call their critics "Nazis."
Michael Voris doesn't need any defence from me, and I'm also sure that he is not anti Archbishop Marcel Lefebrve if he was he would have spoken against him long ago like when Church Militant started. The reason why Church Militant, is speaking about SSPX now though, is because they who the Traditional Latin Rite people, looked up to have treated Pedo-priests …More

Michael Voris doesn't need any defence from me, and I'm also sure that he is not anti Archbishop Marcel Lefebrve if he was he would have spoken against him long ago like when Church Militant started. The reason why Church Militant, is speaking about SSPX now though, is because they who the Traditional Latin Rite people, looked up to have treated Pedo-priests and their victims no diffrently than their novos ordo gay brothers so both groups are only different in name.
And to use Archbishop Marcel Lefebrve's family history as a way to gain sympathy for SSPX is absolutely disingenuous
Since this "crap" occured during Archbishop Bernard Fellay his the one that is responsible not Archbishop Marcel Lefebrve.
Alex A
No doubt Gesu e con noi would love to block this posting. Really Catholic of you Michael!
Now, now , Michael, control your hatred. Aren't you supposed to be a follower of Christ!
Arthur McGowan
I used to think E. Michael Jones was a bit over-the-top in saying that Voris, because of his past sexual activity, was seriously wounded and should never engage in any kind of public Catholic activity--teaching, journalism, apologetics. Not any more.
He is deranged and needs help and prayers.
Voris has become a wholesale Sedevecantist. He usurps papal authority, willfully distorts BXVI to suit his own narrative, and dismisses facts to create his own idea of what should be. It's sad.
That he won't take correction, however kind and canonically supported, speaks to his being well off the rails.
Add to that the hypocrisy of Voris demanding transparency and immediate action from others while …More
Voris has become a wholesale Sedevecantist. He usurps papal authority, willfully distorts BXVI to suit his own narrative, and dismisses facts to create his own idea of what should be. It's sad.

That he won't take correction, however kind and canonically supported, speaks to his being well off the rails.

Add to that the hypocrisy of Voris demanding transparency and immediate action from others while HE and NILES and the brow-beaten youth they are deforming under the guise of holy zeal, makes this Catholic stay clean away.

Would I trust my kids with that man? Sexual issues aside? NO. He promotes lying for the greater good. That's as charitable as I can be with him. And the enabling sycophantic attachment of Mrs. Niles is truly disturbing.
Alex A
@pgmgn> A bit over the top, don't you think?
Roberto 55
aber, aber Herr Voris...