31,2 tys.
Jeffrey Ade
Tradition In Action has a treatise on V2. I am only on book two, Animus Injuriandi, but my oh my what a mess we are in because we did not heed Our Lady of Fatima. The only solution now is to turn to her and ask forgiveness for our late coming to the fore! Our Lady of Fatima, pray for us!
I strongly recommend the Don Pietro Leone's analysis - it is shorter and precise. The English translation is (or was - as at least one part concerning "elder brothers in the faith of Abraham" of Karol Wojtyla mysteriously disappeared) available at Rorate Caeli site.
As for the Fatima context of Vaticanum II I recommend the Sr. Lucia's conversation with Fr. Fuentes:
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I also wrote myself some pieces on Fatima e.g.:
Kontekst fatimski (5)