
Cardinal Has No Clue Why His Auxiliary Is in Miami

In April 2020, Francis told Managua Auxiliary Bishop Silvio Báez, Nicaragua, to leave the country because his life was presumably in danger.

He called Báez who is a discalced Carmelite, to Rome without giving him a task. Since then, Báez has been in Ireland, Spain, Italy, Peru, and is now in Miami where he has relatives and helps in St Agatha's Church which is run by a Nicaragua born priest.

Interestingly, on February 26, Managua Cardinal Brenes told LaPrensa.com.ni that he “didn’t know” why Báez is now in Miami and not in Rome.

This indicates that there is very little brotherly contact between the two.

Picture: Silvio Báez, Leopoldo Brenes © wikicommons, CC BY-SA, #newsKaoiarwcar

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