
Bombshell from Vatican: Benedict and Francis "in complete disagreement", "never talk to one another"

(ROME) – Speaking at a March 16th conference in Limburg, Germany, the long-time Vatican correspondent Andreas Englisch has delivered an explosive allegation: In contradiction of public appearances, …More
(ROME) – Speaking at a March 16th conference in Limburg, Germany, the long-time Vatican correspondent Andreas Englisch has delivered an explosive allegation: In contradiction of public appearances, Pope Francis and Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI “are in complete disagreement” and “never speak to one another.” The Pope Emeritus has apparently stated that he only appears in public “at the explicit request of Pope Francis.” What is shown on these occasions, Englisch continues, is “only the pretense of friendship.”
No official transcript of the press conference is yet available, but Giuseppe Nardi, another well-known Vaticanist who was in attendance, says that Englisch continued his statements by describing Pope Francis as a “strong personality” who “gets what he wants,” and that he has little in common with Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI but “uses him when necessary for the optics.” Englisch concluded his dramatic remarks with a remarkable statement: that, in addition to the pressure put upon the …More
Hugh N. Cry
When it comes down to it, Pope Benedict gave us Pope Francis. Our holy father abandoned his children and let another father step in... so typical of broken families. Poor Mother Church doesn't deserve this. She deserves men who cherish and defend her rights and reputation.
Didn't Obama support the St.Gallen-group?
Both represent two opposing doctrines what was remained of Catholicism (Pope Benedict)against the complete apostasy (Jorge Bergoglio). Bergoglio represents the complete rupture of the Vatican II Separating from the Catholic Church. Bergoglio breaks completely with the Apostolic Church and make his own new church. Bergoglio breaks with all the popes even with JPII, Benedict and Paul VI, etc
@charisma let us hope that a third would not tell us lies.
@Jungerheld , time may come when the third (living) pope will come and tells the truth 🤐
@charisma, what is bothersome to me is what this, and other "news" suggests about Pope Benedict. It seems we can no longer be surprised about Pope Francis.
I wonder whether I shall pretend being surprised or not...
I wonder what Georg Ratzinger has to say...