
Whistle-Blower Viganò Admonishes U.S. Bishops

The bishops in the United States should confront homosexual abuses like “courageous shepherds” rather than like “frightened sheep”, Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, a former nuncio to the U.S.A. wrote in a short note published on November 13.

Viganò writes that he is “fasting and praying” for the bishops on the occasion of their annual autumn meeting in Baltimore.

He calls on them to “not be afraid of standing up and doing the right thing for the victims, for the faithful and for your own salvation”.

"The Lord will render to every one of us according to our actions and omissions", he adds.

Picture: Carlo Maria Viganò © lifesitenews.com, #newsRdlqabbgmm
God bless you and may his angels protect you Archbishop!
Pray for Archbishop Viganò.
we catholics need more Viganos
Thank you Archbishop Viganò.
alex j
Archbishop Vigano continues to act, as all prelates should, not least of all our Pope. Yet it is predictable that, other than the usual 'suspects', Burke, Schneider,Vigango, the collegiality of Bishops will be the process that either siffles openness of individual Bishops and/or an excuse for not going against the status quo. Personally, I'm of the opinion that collegiality is another means of …More
Archbishop Vigano continues to act, as all prelates should, not least of all our Pope. Yet it is predictable that, other than the usual 'suspects', Burke, Schneider,Vigango, the collegiality of Bishops will be the process that either siffles openness of individual Bishops and/or an excuse for not going against the status quo. Personally, I'm of the opinion that collegiality is another means of exploitation by the devil to further undermine CHRIST's Church.
Catholic media "our natural allies," but much coverage has been "very negative" on abuse matter, says Archbishop Naumann at USCCB 2018. And, "People think we haven't done anything since 2002 and that just isn't true."