
What About Covid? Cardinal Burke Calls Francis' Mass Bann "Unjust"

Cardinal Burke is deeply concerned about Francis' arbitrary bann on private Masses in St Peter’s.

He stresses that this is a “direct violation of universal Church law” - as if Canon Law were more than a facade (CardinalBurke.com, March 13).

In future, there will be only four concelebrated Eucharists in the huge basilica where there are eleven altars. Burke criticises Francis' measure as an attempt of imposing passive concelebration on priests who wish to offer Mass personally. In theory, Canon 902 grants that priests are "completely free" to celebrate Mass individually.

According to Burke, the bann “unjustly" conditions the primary duty of the priests to celebrate Mass daily. He feels a need to explain [to Francis] that offering Mass is for a priest "a right" and brings “great spiritual fruit for the whole Church.”

The Cardinal asks that the bann be “rescinded immediately” - but since the rest of the 5600 "Catholic" bishops worldwide are mostly braindead, Burke will [as usual] be ignored.

Francis' injustice will likely drive the priests underground. Like in times of persecution, they will say Mass in hidden places.

Further, health experts stress that in times of Covid-19 there is an urgent need to abolish concelebrations for evident hygienic reasons. But where rigid ideologues rule, common sense loses its civil right.


De Profundis
"The Catholic Church is an institution I am bound to hold divine — but for unbelievers a proof of its divinity might be found in the fact that no merely human institution conducted with such knavish imbecility would have lasted a fortnight." (Hilaire Belloc)
Louis IX
There will only be Justice if the relevant parties demand it. If they sheepishly obey an unjust law what does that make them?
John A Cassani
As Cardinal Burke says, the “decree” goes against universal law, without explicitly derogating from it. It should derogate from the laws which preserve the right to say private mass, as well as Summorum pontificum. This should invalidate it. We will see if justice has any place at St. Peter’s.