
Burke: "Saint Peter's Is Now Like a Tomb" (Video)

Cardinal Raymond Burke has called for a "clarification" - that will never come - of the Vatican’s false claim that there are “positive elements” in homosex liaisons. Burke told EWTN.com (March 25) …More
Cardinal Raymond Burke has called for a "clarification" - that will never come - of the Vatican’s false claim that there are “positive elements” in homosex liaisons.
Burke told EWTN.com (March 25) that despite a sinful life, the person as such remains good, nevertheless a homosex liaison doesn't contain "positive elements."
He stressed that the "aggressive homosexual agenda" is now dominating in ecclesial circles and among bishops, and that it is "not far fetched" to think that Francis’ March 21 Angelus address was an attempt to distance himself from his own document on homosex blessings.
To Antwerp Bishop Johan Bonny, who challenged the document, Burke gave the pious advice to "examine himself" and to "renounce his office" if he doesn't hold the Catholic Faith - as if holding the Catholic Faith was desired or common among bishops.
For Burke, Francis' Anti-Mass-decree is an "anomaly" and should be rescinded immediately. He added that Archbishop Peña who (formally) issued the document …More
Fr Dan
Our lady said during the time of great trial, Bishop will rise against Bishop. We are in prophetic times
P. O'B
"Burke told EWTN.com (March 25) that despite a sinful life, the person as such remains good..." Does this mean that if I go to Hell for mortal sins, I remain good?
Live Mike
Dear @P. O'B,
We may need to tackle some heavy-duty metaphysics & theology to grasp Cardinal Burke's meaning.
Here goes... God is the Creator of all things. He created Ex nihilo (out of nothing). Because God created out of nothing it is necessary for God to maintain the existence of the created universe or it would blink back into the nothingness from which it came. In that sense, even the devil …More
Dear @P. O'B,
We may need to tackle some heavy-duty metaphysics & theology to grasp Cardinal Burke's meaning.
Here goes... God is the Creator of all things. He created Ex nihilo (out of nothing). Because God created out of nothing it is necessary for God to maintain the existence of the created universe or it would blink back into the nothingness from which it came. In that sense, even the devil himself, who is in Hell and the most evil creature in the universe, is good insofar as he exists. We know God cannot do evil and God as Creator maintains the existence of the creature called the devil.
Perhaps, this distinction of "good insofar as it exists by the Creator" is the same kind of good Cardinal Burke was referring.
Sincerely and respectfully yours in the Passion of the Church,
Barbara Jensen
It means that a person is good in their essence because God created each person and God can only create what is good.
Louis IX
The lawlessness on display at the Vatican is counter to what the Holy Family taught us at Christ’s Presentation in the Temple. If the Holy Family submitted to the Law who are these clerics to be flouting Canon Law?
Burke: Bishop Bonny's rejection of CDF clarification on gay union blessings: "gravely damaging", "If he’s pained by what’s declared by the CDF...he must examine himself...and if he’s not holding to the Catholic Faith he should renounce his office."