
Reading the Tea Leaves: Did Francis Already Distance Himself?

Gerard O’Connell insinuates on the Jesuits’ AmericaMagazine.org (March 21) that Francis "has distanced himself" from the statement of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith against "blessing" homosexual liaisons.

O’Connell refers to three anonymous "senior Vatican sources" who allegedly said that Francis alluded to that statement during his Sunday Angelus when he repeated his mantras that God’s style is “closeness, compassion, tenderness,” called on to give witness to Jesus “not with theoretical condemnations but with gestures of love,” and called "legalism or clerical moralism" a “barren soil.”

However, Francis uses these mantras so often that a particular connection to reality can hardly be ascribed to them.

In the past, Francis has accepted or blessed sinful sexual unions (here and here) but as Archbishop of Buenos Aires he was also known to use derogatory terms for homosexuals.


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Just political scheming by the Argentine sodomite.